022. just like mike.

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AT THE diner, the group all sat in a booth, Logan between Mike and Dustin, he had his arms behind them on the seats as Lucas and Max sat across them. They'd never admit it but they were totally holding hands underneath the table.

In the short span of months he's known them, Logan noticed many things, Max and Lucas aren't as clingy as most couples. They hold hands sure but they don't ditch friends to go and make out or something. In fact, they rarely kiss. It's only hugs and hand holding really, but Logan figures they do it in private since it's such an intimate thing.

Logan kissed Will in front of them because of a game. And he boldly assumed Will was gay. And he was right. Logan Simmons is never wrong. He wasn't wrong about Mike, he wasn't wrong about Max and he wasn't wrong about Will or El.

"What are you guys getting this afternoon?" Logan glanced up and saw it appeared to be a girl their age or at least near it. He glanced up and down, "how old are you?" He asked curiously and she chuckled. "I'm sixteen..." She says and he nods. "I'll have a coke and a plain cheeseburger." He says.

He nudged Dustin next, "Dusty-bun."

"Dusty-bun?" The girl giggled and Dustin elbowed Logan's ribs. "I'll have cheesey fries and a chocolate milkshake.." He says and she nods, scribbling it down and looking at Mike who sat there with crossed arms, staring at Logan. "I'll have fries and a vanilla milkshake.." He says and she nods before glancing to the couple on the other side.

"We'll share an order of fries and have separate cokes." Max said as she gestured between her and Lucas who nodded with a small smile at the girl who nodded and looked at Logan. "Is that all?" She asked and they all nod before she walked away. "She was so hitting on you, dude..." Dustin whispered to Logan who just chuckled.

Mike looked to the boys with an annoyed look and got out of the booth. "Going to the bathroom..." He mumbled to them before walking away. "You really think she was?" Logan turned to Dustin fully who nodded his head right away with a smile.

"Logan... eyes on the prize." Max said with a pointedly look at him and he scoffs, turning to face her. "I've had my eyes on the prize since I got here and where has that gotten me? Friendzone. Deep, so deep in the friendzone. And I've accepted it because hey, it's the 80's and society forbids homos." He shrugs, then turned back to Dustin.

The curly haired boy smiled and nodded, "she totally was, dude." He said and Logan sighed. "Alright. I'm going in." He slides out of the booth, passing Mike on his way over to the counter where the register was. "Yes, how can I help?" The girl asked and Logan sighed, resting his arms.

He held himself up by his elbows, smiling at her. "Yes?" She repeated and he tilts his head to the side. "You asked if it was all we needed... no, it wasn't. I also... want your phone number." He asked with a proud grin on his face that made her squint her eyes but undoubtedly smile slowly.

She sighed and put down her notepad, opening the pen. "Don't tell my boss, I shouldn't be giving out my number to costumers..." She smirked and he smirked right back. "Feeling naughty, aren't we?" He teased and she giggled as she scribbled a number down before folding the paper.

"I'm fifteen by the way... my boss hired me because of my dad." She whispered and he nods. "I'm fourteen, turning fifteen in April..." He whispers and she nods with a small smile. "Maybe call me tonight..." She said before walking away. He smiled more widely before walking off.

He sat at the end of the booth, staring at the floor with a small grin on his face and barely noticing Mike had moved to the other side to sit with Lucas and Max. "Dude, how did it go?" Dustin asked as he slides closer and Logan looks at him. "She totally just gave me her number." He held up the piece of paper with a wide grin on his face.

Mike stared at Logan who started to talk quietly with Dustin. He looked happy. He was happy Logan was happy. Sad, sure, that it wasn't him making him happy but ultimately just... happy for him. Mike kind of felt heartbroken for a little while but Max and Lucas took his mind off of it.

But then their food was brought and Logan flirted some more with that girl. Mike didn't even bother reading her name tag, knowing him he'd just obsess over her name. His type was distinctive. Somehow. She had long black hair, it's straight and tied up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face especially when working, she had freckles all along her cheeks and nose, just like Mike. She was kind of tall for a girl, probably just a few inches shorter than Logan, sort of lanky and was sort of shy.

Logan didn't realize this until she walked away and he looked at Mike who started to pick at his food right away. Logan watched Mike reach up and take a sip of his vanilla milkshake. God, and those lips. They were just like that girl's. Maria. Logan had learned her name by reading the tag on her uniform when she brought over the food.

Logan glanced down and realized what was really happening. He sighed and just started eating his burger, listening to Max, Lucas and Dustin talk about the arcade and other things like movies. He just listened and sipped his coke.

authors note no one:
me: *introduces a new character to spice up a few things for added drama 😁✨*

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