076. missed this.

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     THE NEXT few days were kind of different for Logan, he ended up apologizing to Chris and saying they should give it another try but going slower, and not jumping right into anything. Chris agreed but they haven't really gotten to really spend time alone together, Logan claims it's just a sign that they... maybe, just shouldn't at all?

Today was a hot August day, Logan has a day off and he spent it alone. Well, not completely alone. He had Fang on his lap and he was eating candy. "No, none for you, Fang," he said as he pulled his bag away and sighed. "If you're hungry, go get mom. Go." Logan shooed him away and Fang growled softly but jumped off the bed.

Logan sighed, staring at the television screen then his friends all came walking in and formed a circle around him. "Girls," he looked at Mike, Max, El and then to the other side where Dustin, Will and Lucas were, "boys," he smiled, quite proudly at himself and Mike just rolled his eyes. "Are you okay?" Max asked the boy who looked up at her. "Yeah..." He said, his brows furrow in confusion at the question and she just nodded back.

"What's up?" He asked and Max sat down. "Will and El are leaving tomorrow. You've made no effort to hang out with them." It's like she was scolding him and he sighed as El and Will now came and sat on either side of him. "Don't you love us?" Will said and Logan was beginning to think this was a joke as El now pouted at him, "I thought I was your favourite." She said and he just sighed.

"You know you are. I've just... been busy." He shrugged and El smirks. "With Christopher!" She said and Mike looked away. "It's just Chris, El, not Christopher, not even Christian, it's just Chris." He explained and she shrugged.

"And my name is Eleven, so," she said and he looks at her, squinting his eyes. "Anyway, what are you nimrods doing here anyway?" He looked to Max then Dustin and Lucas. "We're gonna hang out here all day, since you won't come to us, we'll come to you." Max said and laid down, her head on her girlfriend's lap as Lucas and Dustin sat side by side on the other side of his legs.

"Okay." He said then looked at Mike. "Sitting down or just standing?" He asked and Mike crossed his arms. "I'll stick with standing, thanks," he said but the rest of the time they were here, he ended up sitting down at the desk chair.

They spent practically the whole afternoon, Elizabeth even brought them sandwiches and drinks halfway and then supper came around which is when they all started to leave. Except Mike, "not going home?" Logan asked, drinking the last sip of his lemonade and the boy sighed.

"I want to. But what's the point? My parents are being total asshats right now and I'd rather not." He said and set his chin down onto his hand. "Come and sit with me." Logan moved a bit to the side and patted the spot next to him on the bed. Mike walked over, sighing then sat down.

"You know... F-Fangs really misses you a lot..." He said as he played with his fingers and Mike smiled. "I-I can tell..." He said then looked at Logan who was staring down at his lap. "I miss you..." He said softly and Mike's heart swells, he stared at Logan for a bit longer until the boy finally looked back up at him. "I miss you too." Mike said.

Mike leaned over and pressed his lips to Logan's. The boy beside him immediately kissed back, his hand going up to Mike's face. The kiss deepened and Mike moved closer, ending up in his lap. Logan slipped his tongue into his mouth, surprised when Mike massaged it with his own. Logan suddenly moaned into his mouth, his hands going to the small of Mike's back, pulling him closer. Mike wrapped his arms around Logan's neck.

He ran his fingers through his hair and Logan pulled away but this only caused Mike to go for his neck now, kissing and licking gently. "M-Mike," Logan stammered out and pulled the boy back. "I'm sorry, what? D-Did I do something wrong?" He asked and Logan shook his head right away.

"Lay on your back." He told him and Mike is hesitant but does so, Logan got on top of him, between his legs and started kissing him again. The two kissed for more longer until the door opened and Logan jumped back, only to land on the floor.

"Mom! Maybe knock next time?!" He exclaimed when he saw it was just her. Mike quickly sat up, hugging his knees to his chest. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, but I mean, you knew my rule, Logan, thin walls, none of that here, okay? If you want to put out for the first time, just rent a motel room like all of us teens did in high school back then," she said as she grabbed the glass and plate on his bedside table. He just sighed, rolling his eyes.

Once she left, he looked at Mike who was touching his bottom lip with his fingers. "Next time? There's a next time?" He said as he looked over and Logan sighed, getting up and getting into bed. "Yes. No. I don't know." He said and Mike smiled faintly as Logan pulled the blanket up to his chin.

Mike pursed his lips together and looked away. "Mike?" Logan whispers and Mike looked down at him. "I-I kind of want to, um, get back together." He said as he peered up at him, nervous to see his reaction. "Me too..." Mike said as he stared down at him and Logan smiles at that.

"Come here..." He said and pulled the blanket up to make space for Mike, who did get under the blanket with him, putting his hands shyly to either sides of Logan's neck. "I missed you, Mikey. Like so fucking much." Logan sighed as he put his hands to the sides of Mike's waist.

Mike put his hands to the back of his neck as he got closer and closer. "I missed you too..." He gently rubbed circles into the nape of Logan's neck with his fingers, staring into his eyes. Logan smiled and put his hands flat against Mike's back, leaning in. Mike leaned in as well but both stop when there is a knock at the door, "Jesus, what?" Logan sat up and Lola walked in. "Way to treat your sister after her trip." She said and he smiles at her.

"Cool. Good to have you home. Mike and I were in the middle of something." He says and Lola glanced between the two. "I thought you two broke up?" She said and Logan sighs. "Can you go?" He asked and she nods. "Fine. Very well then," she said before leaving the bedroom. "Very well then," Logan copied her in an obnoxious voice before laying back down, facing Mike again. "You told Lola we broke up?" Mike asked and Logan sighs.

"Yeah, but only because I was that upset... I'm sorry, cuddle?" Logan asked and Mike smiled, he couldn't resist as he nodded and moved closer. Logan put both arms around Mike's shoulders as Mike wrapped his arms around his waist tightly. Both boys quickly realized how much they missed this, Mike missed the feeling of Logan's strong arms around him, the smell of Logan, cigarettes and mint, the feeling he gets in his chest when Logan rubs his back without even asking him, just knowing.

Logan missed having Mike's lanky body intertwined with his, their arms around one another and his leg between Mike's, all tangled together in bed, the way Mike's hair smelled, like green apples, he missed how soft Mike's skin felt against him, his cheek pressed against Logan's neck. His hot breath fanning over Logan's adam's apple.

"I especially missed this..."

authors note no proper apologies or even a serious talk, they just jump right back into it, why? because mike thinks not talking about emotions is a personality trait. ugh so quirky of him.

+ i hope you all love me now my original plan was to make them stay broken up until halloween👹

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