029. how chivalrous.

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     "WE'LL BE home tonight." The words play in Logan's head as he ran down the road. He got to the front step and frantically knocked the door. The door opened and Max furrows her brows. "what's up?" She asked and he sighed, frowning at her. "Can I have dinner with your family?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah, of course! Come on in," she gestured him inside as she opened the door further. "Logan," Susan smiles when the boy came into view along with her only daughter and he raised his hand to wave at the two sitting at the table. "Hi... Hope i'm not intruding." He says.

"Of course not! You're always welcome here."

After supper, Max and Logan went to Max's room, Logan kind of surprised when Max shut the door and sat on the bed, gesturing him over. "Dustin told me you fought James and Troy. How badass of you." Maz said and Logan sighed.

"They were picking on him... saying Suzie wasn't real and hitting his hat off his head." He shrugged and looked down. "Bullies are just assholes sent from hell to test us." He mumbled and she chuckled. "fully agree, Simmons." She looks away.

"My mom thinks we're dating," she crossed her arms and he snorts. "My mom wants us to date." He says and she rolled her eyes. Logan looked at her, "did you not tell them Lucas is your boyfriend?" he asked her curiously. "No. God knows how neil would react.." She scoffs and looked at Logan, smiling faintly. "How are you and Mike?" She asked and his eyes widen. "Shit! I was suppose to go there after supper!" He got up quickly and she chuckled. "Have fun with lover boy." She says before he opened the door and sprinted out the room.

"Leaving so soon?" Neil asked and Susan looks over as the couple sat in the living room, watching him pull on his jacket and he nods. "I have plans. But thank you for supper, Susan, it was delicious and Neil, always a delight to see you." He said and rushed out the door, running down the path and running down the road now, he sprinted all the way to the Wheeler home.

And when he got there, he was wheezy and panting hard. "Gotta lay off the cigarettes," he muttered and went in through the side door that lead directly into the basement. Mike was there, playing Atari by himself, it was the new game. "Oh, baby boy, I'm so sorry." he said as he shut the door behind him and locked it. "Whatever." Mike says.

Mike was fully dressed, a navy hoodie over his knit sweater and his jacket on, even had his converse on. "Are you planning on going somewhere?" he chuckled, slipping off his jacket and Mike just looks over, not caring if he lost the game.

He noticed the bruise on Logan's face and ignored it as he spoke, "what was so urgent for you to go running to Max and not me?" He asked and Logan ran a hand through his fingers as he plopped down onto the couch beside him.

"Mike, listen, I'm so sorry... please forgive me." He said with a small frown and Mike just stared at him. "Complete honesty, you promised me that." he said and Logan sighed, putting his arm on the couch behind his boyfriend. "I got into a fight with Troy and James... I wasn't in the mood to talk because everyone was staring and thinking i was crazy for it. and what happened after school didn't make it any better." he said and Mike's eyes soften. "what happened after school?" He asks.

"Lolita... she got sent to a camp. For boys and girls like you and me." He frowned and Mike gasped. "Babe, that's horrible, I'm so sorry..." He said and Logan smiled. "So, I'm babe now?" Henasked and Mike blushed, looking away. "I went to Max because I was panicking..." he looks down.

Mike looked at him, leaning over and pressing his lips to Logan's in a gentle and loving manner before he leans back. "You can always come to me, you know that right?" he rubbed Logan's cheek with his thumb and Ligan nods.

"I'm sorry about Lola." He says and Logan looked away, biting his bottom lip. "It could've been me, Mike... any small slip up, anyone sees us, or maybe even my parents see us." He frowned and Mike sighed. "But it wasn't, okay? and Lola will be back in no time." He assured Logan.

Logan closed his eyes and leaned in again, kissing Mike this time. he worked his lips in sync with Mike's slowly and passionately this time, his hand going to the small of Mike's back. Mike pulled back and kept his forehead on Logan's, "sorry I kinda stalked you... I was on my way to come see if you were okay but then I saw you at Max's, looking like you were in trouble and when you went inside, I just got jealous... I'm sorry." he frowned and Logan just stared into his eyes sadly.

"Mike, you don't have to get jealous, over Max, over Jake, over Will, over anybody. I only like you." He emphasized to make his point clear and Mike blushed, nodding softly. "And about you fighting... what for?" He asked.

"The were picking on dustin." He leaned back and Mike furrows his brows. "About Suzie, about his hat and about his work." He frowned and Mike smiled. "How chivalrous of you, Simmons." He says and Logan rolls his eyes, smiling.

He was gonna lean in again but Mike stopped him by putting a finger to his lips, "we're going out. Put on your jacket." He says and Logan scrunched up his face. "Like a date? Wheeler, we're so past that." he said and Mike chuckles. "No. You'll see, just go put on your damn jacket." He nodd towards the jacket where it laid on the armchair. Logan sighed, "okay, okay, bossy." He says.

"You love it."

"Just a little."

authors note mike 🤝 logan
calling each other by their last names despite the fact they are literally dating already
+ hi everyone i love you all, every one of you, just so you guys know

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