040. last you'll see.

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     THAT NIGHT when they all went to bed, Mike had not been able to sleep close to Logan, mostly because Logan had Fang next to him, an arm holding the puppy close. Fang rested his head on Logan's chest and started to sleep right away. Mike watched the two with furrowed brows.

Then he flipped to face the other way. Being jealous of a dog wasn't something he was gonna do. No. Nope. Fang is a dog. Sure, Mike wanted to be held by Logan tonight but whatever, Fang acts like a baby all the time so Mike didn't care.

The next morning, Logan still had Fang on his lap even while they were all eating their breakfast at the table. "Oh, who's this?" Karen said and Logan held Fang out to the woman, "Fang. Dangerous pup of them all." El quoted Logan and giggled as Karen took the puppy and held him close. "Oh, he's sweet, so sweet," she caressed the dog.

"Yeah. Like his collar?" Logan said with a grin and Karen just looked at him. "Definitely." She had lied but Logan let it go. "Where's Holly?" Mike asked. "Sleeping in." Karen chuckled as she handed Fang back to Logan who just set him onto his lap. "I think she'd like Fang." Logan said, scratching the back of the dog's ear. "Did Nancy get accepted into the college she applied to?" Logan asked, knowing pretty much everything about the family.

"She got in and she'll be close to Jonathan!" Karen smiled as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Nice." Logan said and looked to Will and El. "What about you two? How's school?" He asked as Fang started to try and get a piece of bacon.

"Fang, no," Mike scolded and took the puppy, taking him over to the kitchen. He took out some dog food and Logan watched as El explained how cool her school was and Will complained.

"You got him dog food for here?" Logan smiled and Mike sheepishly smiles, getting up from crouching and walking back over to the table. "Just in case you would bring him sometimes and he got hungry." He shrugged and Lucas glanced from Logan to Mike. "You guys are literally dog parents." Dustin said and Lucas nods in agreement.

"Shush," Mike mumbled as he sat back down. "Cutest dog parents." Max giggled and El looked at her, smiling faintly. "And how about you guys? School." Will said and Logan shrugs. "My A's turned into C's but I'll get back to the A's." He said kinda smugly. "I'm getting a D minus in English, can you tutor me?" Lucas asked him.

"Sure thing." Logan said as Mike started leaning against him, his head on Logan's shoulder. "Let's play Atari after breakfast." Mike offered Lucas who shrugs. "I have to get home, scheduled call with Suzie which is in an hour or so." Dustin said and Logan smirks at him, glancing at Lucas then back over to Dustin. "Yeah, sorry, Mike, I gotta head home... take a shower." Lucas says and both boys got up to leave the dining room.

"Is there...?" El trailed off. "There's definitely something going on between those two." Will nodded right away. "Yeah, they're acting the same as how Mike and Logan use to act. And look at them now." Max said with a smirk at Logan who rolled his eyes. "I agree however, but... Doesn't Dustin love Suzie?" He asked curiously.

"What was a summer fling tends to stay as a summer fling." Max said, shrugging as El and Mike felt like it was a jab at their relationship. But neither said anything as Mike rubbed his cheek against Logan's arm, smiling softly then he closed his eyes. "Don't any of you think the same thing?" Logan asked and Mike just shrugged slightly.

"Sometimes... but it's better to leave them be." Is all Mike said and Logan rolls his eyes. After breakfast, Will stayed in the livingroom of the Wheeler home, holding Fang in his lap as El left with Max who went home, saying she'll stay with Max for the night and Mike and Logan headed downstairs.

The two were now kissing, Mike laying on his back on the couch as Logan hovered over him, between his thighs as their kiss deepened but then Logan pulled back, "I feel bad ditching Fang with Will." He frowns and Mike furrowed his brows. "He loves Will." He said and leaned up but Logan stops him with a hand on his shoulder. "Mike." He said.

"Logan." Mike furrows his eyebrows further and Logan sighed. "I just feel bad for Will too... you know, if he did have a crush on you." He caresses Mike's cheek gently. "I know how it feels to be in that position, being someone that is on the sidelines while the person you—" "Will has a boyfriend. He isn't that person anymore." He shook his head and Logan just pursed his lips.

"I don't blame him... crushing on you. You're pretty cute." He smirked and Mike rolled his eyes, leaning up. He pressed their lips together gently and Logan kissed back, pushing him back down onto the couch. They would've continued but then the phone rang and Mike pushed Logan gently.

He got up and walked over, "hello," he said and looked at Logan. "Yes... No... Yes.... Yes.... Okay.... You too... Bye." He hung up and Logan furrowed his brows. "What's up?" He asked and Mike walked over, "Lolita... She asked if you were here, then if we were with the party... and then if we were being careful... and if you were okay... Then said good and to have a good day and then said bye." He said, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Quick, let's play Atari," Logan said and grabbed the controller, handing one to Mike and having one of his own. The two started playing right away right when the basement door opened and Karen came down the steps, Larry and Elizabeth following. "Hey..." Mike said and waved at his mom, never tearing his eyes away from the screen as they played. "Oh... I thought... Nevermind." Elizabeth quickly said and Larry glanced from Mike to Logan then looked over at Karen.

"You let them down here... on their own, with the door closed?" Larry asked and Karen turned to the two. "Of course. They're two teenagers, they need their privacy." She shrugged and Logan glanced at her. "Logan. It's time to go, get your things and your stray." Elizabeth said and Larry nodded, snapping his fingers as Logan sighed.

"Later Wheeler," he said and Mike looked at him as he got up and set the controller down. "Bye Simmons." He said, kind of sad they don't get to have a hug and kiss before Logan left. Logan grabbed his things, throwing them into his backpack. Larry followed him up the stairs and Karen turned to Elizabeth who was staring at Mike, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry we never got to formally meet, can you stop giving a death glare to my son?" She asked her and Elizabeth looked at her. "How could you leave them unsupervised like that?" She said and Mike stayed quiet, staring at the floor.

The next words Logan didn't hear as he grabbed Fang from Will's lap and said goodbye to Will. "I don't know what you're insinuating but my son is a good child and I know that, and that is enough for me to trust him to be left alone in this basement, his only safe place, by the way and if you don't want Logan hanging around here, with his friend, then I think you ought to tell him that but I think you know it shows how much you don't care for him, telling him who to be friends and not be friends with." Karen said and Elizabeth sighs.

"That's the last you'll see of my son..."









authors note oooh introducing one of my new plot lines soon and i'm: ✨ excited ✨
+ i'm taking a break for the weekend so the next update won't be until monday.

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