077. pool party.

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     WHEN LOGAN told Chris about it, he took it surprisingly well and then Mike told their friends they were back together after El and Will left again, and everything seemed like it was back to how it was before the summer started. It was late August, meaning they had to go back to school soon and Logan was not very excited.

There was however an end of the summer pool party at some girl's place and of course, somehow their group of friends wanted to go, right away when they all found out about it. "Come on! We're all slowly getting out of the losers labeling and it'll be fun! Swimming and getting to drink and have fun?" Max said, none of them really knowing the reason why she wanted to desperately go was because she was missing her girlfriend.

"I wanna stay home." Logan said but to be fair, he had Mike on his lap and was resting his head on Mike's shoulder as the boy just had his arms crossed over his stomach. "I'll go. Logan's been clingy." He said and Logan looked up at him, baffled and offended by that. "What?" He said and Mike chuckled. "I mean, you have been, I don't blame you, but I do need my space. I came in with you to the bathroom once when you wanted to shower and told me to hold your hand through the curtain." He said and Logan glares at him.

"You told me you wouldn't tell anyone." He whispers and Mike looked at Max. "I'll come with you." He said and Logan groans. "If Mike's going, I'm going too." He said as he stared at Max who was just standing there with crossed arms. "Hell yeah. Party tonight." Max clapped her hands.

At the party however, Logan just sat in his black jeans, his leather jacket and had sunglasses on the entire time. "You look so out of place." Max said from next to him, in a black one piece swimming suit, she had a towel wrapped around her waist and was taking it off to go swim.

"You do too." He said and Mike approached them with Lucas and Dustin following, the three in swimming trunks and shirts. "Gonna swim with me, Logan?" Mike asked with those puppy dog brown eyes. "Fuck no." Logan shut him down and Mike pouted and looked to Max. "Let's swim." He told her and just like that, his four friends left him and Logan was left all alone sitting on a pool chair. "Hi Logan," he barely looked at the girl.

He knew it was Jennifer Hayes, she's been on his ass since before summer started, she wrote hopefully I get to see you over the summer with a heart in his yearbook which Mike scribbled over it out of jealousy, he said it wasn't him and he still denies it even now but Logan knows.

"Hi." He deadpanned, watching Mike splash around in the water with his other three friends. "How was your summer?" She now sat directly in front of him on the pool chair, blocking his view of Mike. He just pulled his shirt down to show his hickeys on his collarbones. "Wow... where'd you get those?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes and he sighed when she didn't get the hint. "Jennifer, you're pretty, but I'm taken." He said as he took off his sunglasses to look at her and she sighed.

"Yeah. I figured the rumours about you would be true..." She nodded softly and his brows furrow together. "What rumours?" He asked in an instant and she glanced around before she looked back at him and leaned closer. "That you're a fruit," she said and he thinks hard about it.

"A fag," she whispered and he boastfully laughed. More than you'll ever know. He nearly said it but then he looked at her dead in the eyes. "I just don't fuck desperate girls." He said and she leaned back, it showed in her eyes she was about to cry then she quickly got up and ran off. He rolled his eyes and put his sunglasses back on. He took out a cigarette and lit it up right away, taking a long drag and exhaling it slowly. He looked back over at Mike and his three friends, they were still splashing around in the pool, well, except for Mike.

He was looking at Logan who kind of squirmed a bit in the uncomfortable pool chair and then suddenly stood up, walking over to where the drinks were. He's not surprised to see booze, he poured himself a cup and was about to drink it when it was taken out of his hands. "Aw, thanks." Mike said with a smile and took a sip himself, despite already grimacing at the smell.

"You're driving." He reminded Logan who sighed. "Many people have one drink and are able to still drive." He complained and Mike shrugged. "And to many people, one drink turns into two drinks and so on, it continues, like a loop." He says and he did have a point, Logan kind of wanted to get so drunk he couldn't see clearly.

"Just... come swim with us." Mike said and Logan figured that would make Mike feel better, him being close to them but Logan sighed. "No. I-I don't feel like swimming..." He shook his head and Mike just frowned sadly and drank the rest of the liquid in the red solo cup. "Okay..." He says.

Logan watched him walk away then turned around, groaning before walking over to one of the changing tents. He took off his jacket, his jeans and his boots then set them onto the pool chair he was sitting on. He glanced around, no one was looking, good. That's good. He slipped off his shirt and jumped into the pool after, swimming over to his friends. "Logan!" Dustin said, smiling widely.

"Hi..." He said as he looked at Mike who was staring at him and smiling softly. "Oh! We can play chicken fight." Max said and Logan nodded, "get on my shoulders." He tells her and she did after he got under the water. Lucas got onto Dustin's shoulders and the four played as Mike watched them, moving closer to the edge. He smiled as Max pushed Lucas off of Dustin's shoulders.

She raised both of her hands for high fives to Mike who did high five her with both of his before he looked at Logan who was smiling, then he pushed Max's legs off of his shoulders, she landed backwards into the pool. "My turn?" Mike asked him and Logan nodded, going under water, this time it was Dustin on Lucas' shoulders as they play again. Dustin and Lucas won this time, successfully pushing Mike hard and into the water.

authors note aw cute ✌️😔

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