024. special guests.

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     APPARENTLY SPECIAL guests meant the Hansen family, Maria Hansen and her parents, Jeffrey and Gloria Hansen. Logan hated that he had to meet them for the first time in front of Mike. Mike stood there on the side, watching as Logan shook the hands of Maria's parents. He met my parents first. Mike glanced over at Maria.

She looked uneasy as well, as if she didn't know what was going on or that it was going to happen. Their parents must have met before they could even introduce each other to their parents. Fuck. Logan looked at his parents who were grinning and sucking up to the Hansen couple.

In the dining room, Logan sat between Mike and Maria, glancing at his girlfriend's parents sometimes. Logan looked at Mike, "sorry, you don't have to stay... if you want, you can go." He whispers and Mike looks at him. "No... it's fine, I-I'm here already and... I mean, you wanted me to stay... right?" He said and Logan nods right away.

Logan didn't like this. He was just cuddling with Mike, laying in bed together and now he was having the worst dinner he ever had his entire life. But he was glad Mike was still here. He didn't want him to leave. He'd reach out and take Mike's hand underneath the table if he could.

That'd be super fucking bold. Too much. Maria's right there. Their parents were talking nonsense. And at first, Logan and Maria were fine, they went along with it but then Elizabeth brought out a pie. "You made a fucking pie? You're terrible at that." Logan let the words slip out his mouth.

"Don't talk to your mother like that." Larry said and Logan looked at her then at the couple across from them. "Don't buy into their bullshit. I'm a terrible boyfriend. I imagine Maria as someone else..." He said and Maria looked at him. "I was imagining you as someone else too! God, now we can go. Mom, dad, come on. Bye Logan." She said, standing up and Elizabeth looked at Logan.

"Logan!" She hissed and Logan sighs, standing up. "I'm gonna walk Mike home." He says as the couple awkwardly left with their daughter. "What? No. Stay." Larry said and Logan ignored him, nodding towards the front door to Mike.

Mike obliged, walking away and Logan followed him. "How dare you ruin our family dinner?" Larry asked, standing there with hands on his hips and Logan sighed, turning around. "Maria and I weren't meant to last. She was just a girl I wanted to kiss and take out on a date..." He shrugged and looked at his mom who had set down the pie and had her arms crossed. "I'll be home tomorrow..." He says.

Outside, Mike and Logan walk down the road and suddenly Mike just started laughing. "What?" Logan asked, his hands stuffed into his pocket and Mike just kept laughing. "I can't believe you and Maria broke up over saying you both imagined each other as other people..." He said.

Logan also laughed, with ended up with them laughing together. "Well... now I have no one for Valentine's Day.... which is so fucking close. What's today?" Logan looked at Mike.

"Uh... Thirty first, tomorrow is the first of February." He said as he looked back at Logan. "Knowing Dustin, he'll be at Cerebro, singing that God awful song to Suzie..." Logan said and Mike nodded, chuckling. "And... I don't know about Max and Lucas, I was with El last year..." He said as he looked away and Logan nodded slowly.

"Maybe... if you don't have plans... We can spend it in the basement, together..." Logan said and Mike looked at him right away, when he looked away. "Sure... As friends?" Mike asked and Logan nods right away. "Of course. You and I can play Atari, make fun of the love sick losers we call our friends." He says and Mike giggles softly.

"Yeah..." He said and bumped his arm with Logan's. "And we can watch a new movie.. That we never saw!" He says and Logan laughs, nodding. "Yeah. Maybe something old or new." He says and Mike nods, walking closer to Logan. "Getting cold, Wheeler?" He asked and Mike just chuckles. "Just a little..." He says and Logan sighs. He wrapped an arm around Mike and pulled him closer. Mike's cheeks turn bright red, smiling.

At the Wheeler's house, the two were so tired that they went down to Mike's bedroom right away but when they got into bed, they just talked and talked. "Who... did you imagine whenever you kissed Maria?" Mike whispered suddenly and Logan stared at the ceiling, thinking about it.

Should he really tell Mike? He already knows Logan likes him. "You know you can be honest with me..." Mike said, almost as if sensing that Logan was unsure who looked at him. "Your mom." He says and Mike rolled his eyes, flipping over. He faced the other way now as Logan smugly smiled.

Logan moves closer, resting his head against Mike's back. "I was... imagining you." He whispers and Mike's whole face went red as his eyes widen a bit. He smiled softly to himself, "yeah?" He says and Logan nodded softly. "For a little while... but I guess the reason why I lost interest was because she wasn't you." He says and Mike smiles.

"Logan?" He said and Logan stayed quiet, waiting. "You... you remember what you said to me? When you hugged me in the hallway?" He said and Logan listened, his eyebrows creasing. "I-I mean... Like... when you hugged me and said those things. You know, like, I think..." Mike paused and tried to listen as if he thought Logan fell asleep.

"I'm listening..."

"It's like... what you said, I think I do too..." He said and that was good enough for Logan. He knows Mike isn't good at saying how he feels. He just nods. "Okay..." Logan whispers and Mike's face scrunched up. "Okay?" Mike says and Logan sighs. "What do you want me to say, Mike? We already agreed to staying as friends right?" He asked and Mike gulped softly, feeling disappointed.

Please say no. Please say no.

"Yeah..." Mike said and Logan moved to lay on the other side of the bed, facing the other way as well. "Goodnight, Mike..." He says and Mike opened his mouth but all that came out was a raspy gasp. "Goodnight..." He says and then waited for a little while. When he thought Logan was asleep, Mike let the tears slip and even sniffled.

He let out a small sob, trying to be quiet but only because he couldn't hold them in anymore. Logan wasn't asleep however, he was laying there listening to Mike cry. Listening to Mike cry himself to sleep that night made Logan Simmons hate himself more than he already did.

authors note someone making you cry yourself to sleep sucks tbh. anyway, mike is babie, protect him.

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