001. lunch break.

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     THEIR LUNCH BREAK was fine, perfect even, the boys sat in silence at their usual cafeteria table. They were freshmen so it's not like people talked to them much. "Hey guys!" Max said as she made her way over with a brown lunch bag in hand and her skateboard in the other.

A boy dressed in all black followed behind her closely, he had a leather jacket on, what appeared to be a wallet chain, he had a shirt that said bad religion on it and to top it all off, he had combat boots that looked worn out like it's all he wore.

"This is Logan." She said as he stopped right by her. Dustin smiled kindly and waved at Logan who just nods to them. "He's joining us." She said as she sat down and Logan did the same, across from a particularly angry looking boy with straight black hair that resembled a mushroom.

"What? Only for lunch, right?" He asked her and Max shrugs, glancing at her boyfriend, Lucas. "Nice to meet you, Logan, how did you meet my girlfriend?" He asked as he wraps an arm around her. "Slow your roll there, Lucas, as pretty as your girl is, gingers aren't my type." Logan shrugs.

"See? Don't have to pull the jealousy act." Max elbowed Lucas' ribcage making the boy grunt and pull his arm away immediately. "Why are you so concerned if I'm only joining for lunch? You think I'll join your family for supper too?" Logan sassed as he looked at Mike who scoffs.

"No! I was concerned because Max knows the rule. No one is allowed into our party." He says and Logan raised his brows. "Max said you guys were a bunch of dorks, but shit, you guys throw parties?" He asked and Max sighs. "Mike, will you relax? Logan's a new friend! He likes inventing stuff like Dustin did at Camp Know Where, and he likes video games!" She said with a wide grin.

"Yeah, I invented this thing called a dildo. You know where that one goes? Up your—" "He's a total trashmouth!" Mike exclaimed at Max, cutting off Logan right away who laughed. "Oh, boy! You know how to have fun, Mikey," he said as he pointed at the boy who grimaced at him.

"Don't call me Mikey."

"Do you prefer little bitch?"

"No! Don't call me either of those!" Mike argued and Logan sighs, looking at Max. "I thought you said they were fun." He says and she chuckles. "Yeah! They are, especially when you get under their skin." She says and Dustin just looks at Logan.

"I'm Dustin. Max has probably told you all about me." He said with a wide smile at him and Logan nods. "Is your girlfriend really hotter than Phoebe Cates? I mean.. I watch Fast Times every night and I don't think there is ever a girl out there more hotter than her." He says, shrugging slightly.

"She is!" Dustin says and Logan smirks. "Whatever you say.. Dusty-bun." He says and Dustin glares at him. "Uh, Logan, you should come with us to the arcade today. After school. It's really fun there, especially after Keith was fired." Max said and Logan just nods. "Who's Keith?"

"Some airhead, don't worry about it."

After their lunch, Max isn't surprised Mike said something to her. "Seriously, Max? Inviting him to the arcade with us?" He asked and she sighs, crossing her arms. "Look, it's been like a month since they moved away and I think you need to move on... Especially after that thing you told us.. Remember? The boys and girls thing?" She says and Mike huffs, rolling his eyes as he looks away.

He knew he would regret telling her about that. He was okay with telling Dustin and Lucas, even if Dustin was gonna end up telling Steve and Robin, but Max? He was very hesitant on that part.

"And I'm getting a vibe off of Logan! Please just let me work my magic?" She says with a smile and Mike just looks at her with an annoyed look. "No more new party members. That was the rule." He says and she sighs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come on! He won't replace El or Will."

"What if he does?"

That wasn't Logan's plan however. He moved to Hawkins for a fresh start, and he wasn't planning on getting attached emotionally to anyone or anything. He was just here to pass the next four years of high school and graduate then get to go off to college, become something better than his father's stupid journalism career. He'll probably become a doctor or some shit. Maybe a dentist.

It's not like he was looking to make a friend in the first class he was in but the fiery haired girl caught his attention as soon as she walked in. And him being a new student, she spoke to him too. She told him what it was like and everything then offered him to be friends with her and her friends.

He didn't agree exactly, just nodded because he didn't exactly wanna say no, he couldn't bring himself to even say no. And Logan was going through a personal thing so maybe having friends is a good idea. Being only fourteen, he shouldn't have to go through it all on his own.

Logan met up with the group after school right away, they all had bikes. Fucking bikes. "Oh.. uh, I don't have a bike.." He said then pointed to the parking lot. "My sister drove me here." He says and Max nodded. "Uh, ride on the back of Mike's bike!" She offered and Mike quickly shook his head.

"Uh.. what about I meet you guys there? My sister's at her car anyway." He pointed out the girl, Lolita smoking a cigarette as she leaned against the hood of her car. Max nods, "see you there."

He nodded right away and watched them drove off on their bikes before rolling his eyes as he thought of how much he hated the fact he can't say no. Why and how does he dress like an asshole, a badass and won't even act like one? It's like he was a sharp switchblade on the outside and a marshmallow on the inside. He felt bad about a lot of things.

authors note i just realized, logan = max, lolita = billy, elizabeth = susan, larry = neil

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