003. halloween.

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     HALLOWEEN WAS COMING up surprisingly fast and soon enough, Logan was approached on that exact day by Max, Lucas and Dustin. They all had big smiles on their faces, "we ran it by Mike and we think you should join our party for Halloween!" Max said to him excitedly and Dustin nods.

"Cool.. You guys trick 'r' treat together or some shit?" He asked and Max nodded right away. "Baby stuff. Let's TP a house, oh! Or egg someone's car." He said, laughing too excitedly at them. "That's.. not really how our party works.." Lucas said, the excited smile that was on his face clearly gone.

"Oh, okay, fine. Yeah, sure, I'll come trick 'r' treating with you guys. Wouldn't have anyone else to take me around this fucking complicated town." He shrugs and closed his locker door.

"What are you guys going as?"

"Oh! I'm dressing up as Jason from Friday the 13th this year since last year I was Michael Myers from Halloween." Max said with a smile and Dustin nods. "And I'm gonna be Marty McFly!" He says and looked at Lucas who smiled widely again.

"I'm gonna dress up as.." He looked down and then looked back up. "Dracula!" He said and hissed with his fake fangs in. "Cool." Logan said and Lucas pops out the fake fangs. "What about you?" He asked and Logan shrugs. "I'll try and see what's at the store for me. Didn't plan on trick 'r' treating, only tricking kids with fake candy bars." He says.

"As fun as that sounds, we're getting free candy instead!" Max said with a wide smile and Logan glanced at her. "Yep." He says, smiling back at her before sighing and picking up his backpack from the ground. "Meet you guys there?" He asked and Max nodded right away. "Mike's place, 7 pm. You know where it is." She says since they did in fact rent a movie and go to his place the last time that they hung out with him. He nodded.

"See you guys there."

After school, Logan went to Melvald's General Store with his sister who needed to get something for herself. He glanced between all of the masks and picked the one that looked the most coolest and went to the cash register right away.

He paid quickly and went outside to wait for his sister. She walks out with a brown paper bag, "let's go, fuckface." She walks by him. "What's that? Your tampons or your condoms so you can fuck that new guy you're hanging out with?" He asked as he walks to the passenger side door.

"Fuck you." She says before getting into the car and he does the same. "No thanks, that's incest and illegal in most states." He says as he puts on his seatbelt right away. "Gross. I didn't mean it literally, you dumbass." She says before starting to back up. She drove off right away, "whatever." He says.

"So.. I saw you with those group of nerds. They're like what? Your friends now?" She asked and he glanced at her. "They are not nerds and I don't know? I guess.." He shrugs. "What? It's complicated?" She asked and he nods. "There's this cool girl, Max, she wants me to be apart of their group and her boyfriend and the other boy agree, but there's this one guy, Mike, who doesn't want me to, and Robin says it's because of these two other people I know absolutely nothing about." He says, sighing softly.

"You like that girl, Max?" She says with a teasing smile. "What? No. It's not like that... we just relate a lot. She was once new too." He says and she nods, glancing from the road to look at him for a second. "And what about... Mike?" She says.

"What about him?"

"You like him? Do you really wanna be his friend if he doesn't want you in their group?" She asked and he shrugs before smiling lopsidedly. "I like a challenge." He simply said and she chuckles.

"I can tell." She says and he looks away, smiling faintly. He liked Lolita's nice moments, where she would ask questions and be interested in Logan's life. But those moments were gone too soon half of the time and she went back to the same she always was around Logan; a total bitch.

That night, Logan arrived to Mike's place and saw the group of four standing outside, talking about what roads they were going to. "Hey dweebs," he says and they turn around. And even behind his mask, Logan can feel Mike stare at him. Logan only put on a black hoodie and his leather jacket over it with black ripped skinny jeans with his usual combat boots and was wearing the mask he bought.

"Cool costume," Mike deadpanned. "You too, Mikey." Logan said in a fake sweet tone but Mike's Star Wars costume was unoriginal and kind of boring. It was kind of overdone at this point.

The walk to go trick 'r' treating started and Max sighed as she walked alongside of Logan. "Sorry Mike is a jerk." She says and he shrugs. "Whatever. Dealt with worse." He simply said. "Uh.. the thing is, um, before me and El, the party use to do group costumes, all the time. Last year they were the Ghostbusters." She says and he nodded.

"Cute." He says and she sighs. "And now... They don't wanna do it because it apparently isn't the same without Will." She said and he looks away, ahead of at the other three boys. "Who is Will? And El?" He asked and she sighs. "Mike would hate me for telling you so he'll be the one to tell you, but chances are one out of a million because he's such a douche." She says and rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Oh.. okay."

The first few houses were fun but then Logan got bored. "I'm tired." He said, his boots felt so uncomfortable at this point he wanted to take them off and throw them into the abyss and walk around with just his mismatched socks but he knew that he would just end up getting sick.

"Me too.. why don't we go to your place, Mike? Share our candy and watch a movie." Max offered and Mike just stared at her with a glare. She just smiled sweetly, "come on! It'll be fun!" She says.








authors note robin 🤝 max
trying to set up mike and logan up 😀🏳️‍🌈

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