069. it was a nice talk.

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     AT THE dinner table, Logan looked at Mike, "sixty nine chapters, you know what that means, Mikey," he said and Karen looked at him. "Excuse me?" She said, shocked and he pointed. "I said pass the salt, Mikey. What did you hear?"

She shook her head softly and looked at her son, "it's summer, sweetie. Are you getting a job?" She asked as she ate her food and Mike sighs. "Maybe..." He shrugged and Logan glanced at him then reached over for the salt himself.

"Maybe you can get a job at the post like Nancy did." Karen smiled proudly of herself for her suggestion and Mike's face scrunched up. "Nancy said she hated that job and the guys she worked with were assholes." He said and his father quickly looked up. "Language." Is all he said before looking down as Logan looked at Mike.

"Well, hey, at least you would fit in, Mikey." He says only to have his boyfriend glare at him now. "Oh, or maybe you can apply to the arcade..." Karen suggested and Mike shrugs. "I don't think I'll be working..." He looked down. "Oh..." She said then looked at Logan next. "Are you getting a job?" She asked him, kind of curiously.

"Um... maybe." He smiles and Karen nods, smiling back before turning her attention to Holly who held up her cup. Karen poured some more juice into her cup and the family continued to eat their supper in silence. It was odd, but comfortable. Logan always felt comfortable here, in the Wheeler home, safe even. He liked it. Being here.

After supper, Logan sat in the living room for a while, watching television which was Three's Company, it was put on by Ted who was sitting in his usual seat. He was waiting for Mike who said he was gonna shower then come back downstairs so they can go back to the basement, he offered that Logan can wait downstairs for him, but Ted told him that Logan can sit with him for a while.

"So, Logan, tell me," Ted said as he cracked open his can of Coca-Cola. "What do you want to study at college?" He asked and Logan shrugs. "Still thinking about it?" He asked and Logan nods. "I-I'm only gonna be a Junior, turning seventeen next year, so I haven't really thought of it... sir." He said and Ted chuckled. "Call me Mr. Wheeler." The man told the teen who simply nodded.

"Well... I wanna become a teacher." Logan set his chin on top of his hand. "That's nice. You like working with kids or are you thinking more like high school?" He said and Logan glanced away. "More like maybe middle school? I always liked my middle school teachers and Mike still speaks so highly of Mr. Clarke from eighth grade." He shrugged and Ted just smiled faintly at that.

"Wanna impact younger generations like that? I can see you excelling at something like that." He said and Logan's smile widens. "Really? Even... for someone like me?" He said and Ted looked at him. "Your orientation can't exactly ruin your chance of college or a future of being a teacher. So what? You date who you want, it's not like you're a criminal." He chuckled and Logan nods, looking away with a small smile on his face.

He appreciated how supportive Mike's parents were. He loved this family endlessly for it. "What exactly do you do, Mr. Wheeler? Mike never really talks about it." He shrugged and Ted sighed. "I don't blame him. My job is boring." He said, making Logan chuckle. "I bet it isn't." He begged to differ and Ted just smiled, looking away.

"I'm a financial manager." He explained and Logan's eyebrows raise nearly to his scalp and his mouth gaped open, about to ask but closed it. He took a second, "gonna be honest, I don't know what that is..." He said and Ted chuckled.

"My job is to develop strategies to ensure the long-term financial of an employer." He said and Logan just got more confused but slowly nodded. "That's... cool." He smiled and then Holly ran into the room. "Mike wants you to come to his room." The blonde told Logan who nods quickly.

"It was a nice talk, Mr. Wheeler, but duty calls and I shall not keep Princess Wheeler waiting." He said and Ted just shook his head, chuckling as he walked out of the livingroom. Holly grabbed Logan's hand and walked side by side with him up the stairs. "When you're done with Mike, can you come to my room? I wanna show you something I made at school." She peered up at him and he smiled. "Yeah, sure thing, kid." He says.

She lets go of his hand and went over to her bedroom as Logan approached Mike's bedroom door that was nearly shut closed, he reached up his balled up fist and started gently knocking. "Logan, just come in," he sighed and pushed the door open. He walked in and saw Mike was holding up two shirts. "Which one should I wear? Dustin invited us to the arcade, he said he's gonna try and beat your high score." He tells him and Logan closed the door, smirking. "Fat chance, he's not gonna beat my high score with me there." He said and Mike just rolled his eyes, setting the shirts down.

"Also invited you upstairs for this..." He said as he walked over then pulled his boyfriend into a kiss, his hands gripping at the boy's leather jacket. Logan kissed back right away with his hands going to Mike's lower back immediately. "Hmm," Mike hummed into his mouth when he did that thing with his tongue that Mike liked so much.

"Hello! Barf breath! I need to know if we're all meeting there or if Logan is picking us up in Ace!" It was Dustin on the supercomm and Mike pulled away, sighing with his forehead against Logan's. "Way to ruin the mood..." He groaned and Logan sighed. "For that, he'll walk."













authors note there might be drama 🤟😁

+ happy stranger things day!
36 years ago today my son went missing 😔

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