013. wrist watch.

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     THE PARTY continued the rest of the movie, El sitting by Max who went back to sitting between Lucas' legs. She would often glance over her shoulder, over at Mike and Logan who were again, sitting side by side. Mike sometimes had the tendency to not realize how close he was to someone, his thigh against Logan's, he was snug right underneath Logan's arm that was resting on the couch behind him and Lucas.

She watched the two as Mike then put his head onto Logan's shoulder, crossing his arms to hug them around his body and Logan's arm went around Mike's shoulders now, his hand resting on Mike's arm. She smiled softly to herself.

She didn't mind really, she thinks that they look good together. And it wasn't the same as when she saw Mike and Max in the gymnasium when she was thirteen, she's older now and knows better. She knows Mike and herself better.

Especially since she moved away, she couldn't do that to Mike, he had to move on and it seemed like he was. She doesn't know Logan, she wasn't around to welcome him into the party like they were but she knew that he'd be good for Mike.

She looked away, back over to the tv and moved closer to Max, resting her head onto the ginger's shoulder, mirroring Mike and Logan. After the movie was over, Mike went up to the kitchen to retrieve some drinks for them and Logan insisted on going with him and helping him.

Will tagged along. The boys stand in the kitchen, Mike handing them three cans of new Coke each before taking out a Crush. He held it out to Logan curiously, "who's this one for?" He asked and Mike merely shrugged his shoulders. "We ran out of New Coke..." He tells him and Logan nods. "I'll have this one... Are you grabbing snacks too?" He asked him and Mike nodded right away.

"Okay, Will, let's go head downstairs..." Logan says and Will nods, walking with Logan back over to the basement door. In the basement, the boys handed out the cans of New Coke and Logan sat down at the couch, opening the can of Crush in his hand as he set the last can of Coke onto the coffee table for Mike. He looks over at El to see the short haired girl was staring at her can of Coke.

"El?" He says and she looks up immediately. "Do you want Crush instead?" He held up the orange can and she merely shook her head then opened the can of Coca-Cola to take a sip. Logan remained confused, but ended up sipping his Crush.

Mike came down the stairs and passed around some snacks, smiling as he handed a plate of Eggos to El who excitedly gasped and took a bite into one right away, holding the plate on her lap. He smiled, chuckling softly before sitting next to Logan on the couch, still as close as he always sat to him.

The games started then, playing Truth Or Dare where they did the dumbest things and revealed really weird or gross secrets about each other while also trying to stay off sensitive topics, no one ever asked anyone about their pasts, their family, their past relationships or other stuff like that.

Then they played Spin the Bottle which ended up being a bad idea with five boys and two girls. They were all cheek kisses but then it was Logan's turn and it landed on Will. He wasn't gonna turn down a kiss on the lips with a boy like Will. Hell no. He leaned over and smiled widely.

"Come here, Byers," he said and Will sort of froze, blushing hard but confidently leaned toward him. Mike watched the two with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows. Logan took Will leaning in as his acceptance for a kiss so he leaned in and pressed his lips to Will's. El's jaw dropped.

Max stared at the two with wide eyes as Dustin and Lucas looked at each other. "Oh, shit, I kissed Dustin on the cheek when I could've kissed him on the lips?" Lucas asked and Max looks at him. Logan leaned away, smirking at Will.

He sat back into his spot and glanced at the others. Will stayed still, too still then Mike spun the bottle, "my turn." He said and it ended up landing on Max. He groans, "only the cheek, Mayfield!" He said and crawled over to him but Max apparently didn't listen as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips. Lucas gasped audibly. "Max!" He says.

"You wanted to kiss Dustin!" Max says and Lucas frowns. "As a joke!" He says and she shrugs. "I kissed him as a joke!" She says and Mike sat back into his seat with crossed arms.

"This is turning into a kissing cult... We should stop, Suzie wouldn't want me kissing anyone else." Dustin said and Logan laughed. "Right... The Phoebe Cates girlfriend." He says and then stood up, looking for his coat. "I'm gonna smoke and be right back." He tells them and they barely spare a glance as they stopped playing Spin the Bottle.

When Logan came back inside, they were all getting ready to go to bed so he sighed. "You guys are boring, it's barely midnight!" He exclaims. "It's 2 in the morning, Logan..." Mike said and he reached out, grabbing Mike's wrist.

Sure enough, the wrist watch read 2:17. He frowned and Mike sighs, taking his watch off. "Here, since you never know what time it is." He said and put it on Logan's wrist, El looking over and watching them. "Oh, thanks, Wheeler... I never bothered to get one." Logan looked down at the watch and Mike simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry about it..."

The teens were all in bed, all of them tired, well, except for Logan. He laid in his sleeping bag, staring up at the ceiling. He sighed and flipped to lay on his side, facing Mike who was already asleep. He looked adorable when he slept. Logan smiled faintly and just stared at him. He must have fallen asleep at some point staring at Mike because before he knew it, he's woken up by sunlight that was peering in through the windows.









authors note no one:
mike, when will & logan interact: 😠

+ i'm doing a double update today since it's my birthday and i love u guys :)

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