052. two words.

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THE RIDE back to Hawkins was quiet and at the Simmons house, Mike and Logan just ate supper quietly and went to Logan's room after. Logan notices Mike grabbing his stuff and putting them into his backpack. "Oh, you're going?" He asked and Mike stayed quiet. "Baby?" Logan walked over and Mike sighed, looking over.

"What does Liv have that I don't?" He asked softly and Logan scoffed, walking over and sitting by him. "What? You're talking crazy, ba—" "stop. I'm trying to be serious here. I saw you staring." He said and Logan put a hand to Mike's back. "I was, sure, dude, and she was pretty, like really pretty... But come on. I barely noticed her. She was full on flirting with me but I love you and I'd never do that to you." He said, rubbing Mike's back now.

"Okay..." He mumbled and Logan sighed. "I'm sorry. We should've left when you wanted to." He said and Mike shakes his head. "No... You love animals, you wanted to meet them." He said and Logan sighs. "I'm sorry. But hey, you don't have to get jealous over anyone else, I only love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you." He says and Mike nods. "Y-Yeah, I know... But I just get these thoughts where I worry I'm not enough for you and you'll realize you're better off with a girl you get to be public with, holding hands and kissing her whenever you want..." Mike frowns slightly.

"Hey, one day I'll get to do all of that with you..." Logan said and leaned in, pecking Mike on the lips. Mike kissed back, even moving closer and reaching out to Logan's face, cupping both of his cheeks before pulling away. "Sorry... I love you." He smiles faintly and Logan smiles back.

"I know." He rubs Mike's arm and Mike rolled his eyes, turning back to his backpack. "Ugh, don't tell me you're going home..." Logan pouted and Mike looked at him with a smile. "I have to... I have this supper thing with my parents and I have that Math homework waiting for me. Promise I'll be back." He swore and Logan nodded.

"Need a ride home?" He asked and Mike looks at him. "Got my bike... it's okay." He shrugs and Logan sighs, wrapping his arms around Mike's waist. "How could I even let you go?" He mumbled into Mike's shirt and Mike chuckled. "I'll stay for a bit..." He leaned into Logan who put his back against the bed, holding him close and playing with his fingers. "Are your hands longer than mine?" Logan asked and they compare their hands.

"Oh, God, Mikey," Logan put his head against Mike's and the boy chuckled softly, putting his head onto Logan's shoulder. "Hey... wanna, uh, try something new soon? Like... in the room?" He whispered and Logan's eyes widen.

"You think we're ready for that? I don't think so, Mikey..." He mumbled and Mike pecked his jaw. "You're right... too soon. Not like we've known each other for like, I don't know, a year and five months." He said, shrugging softly.

"Another time, Mikey... we have all the time in the world." Logan kissed his cheek and Mike nods, looking up at him. "That's if you'll have me." He smiled and Logan smiled back. "Always." He says and leaned in, pecking Mike's lips this time. Mike smiled into their kiss and kissed back with his hands over Logan's on his stomach.

Logan pulled back and smiled as he stared into Mike's eyes, "all the time in the world." He repeated and Mike nods, smiling up at him. "All the time in the world." He said in response.

After Mike left, Logan laid in bed thinking about what Mike said. Mike's fifteen, he just turned sixteen, would they really be ready for that? Logan didn't think of doing anything like it until they were at least older and more mature. Maybe Logan would put it off for that long. He'd be okay with it but the way Mike said it sounded like he wanted to and soon. It made Logan think for a long time, even all the way until supper was ready and Lolita was calling for him to join them.

Supper with the two Simmons ladies and the Simmons boy is quiet, Logan staring at his glass of water and occasionally taking bites. "Logan, you okay, hon?" Elizabeth asked her son who merely glanced up. "Just thinking..." He shrugged and Elizabeth nodded. "About?" She asked as she raised her glass of wine for a sip.

"Mike's... thing." He simply said and Lolita giggles. "Not like that!" Logan quickly exclaimed as his mother smiled faintly, setting down her glass of wine. "Then how do you mean it?" She asked, confused and Logan merely let out a sigh.

"He wants to try something new..." He said and Elizabeth quickly looked at Lolita who quickly shook her head. "Is that what you want then?" The blonde woman asked her son curiously who huffs. "N-No. I mean, yeah, sure I've thought of it, but I respect Mike and I think our relationship is purely just emotional than physical and I'd be able to wait until we're more older." Logan quickly concluded when he realized he was rambling.

"Sure..." Lolita smirked and Logan looked at her. "What?" He said and she puts her arms onto the table. "Two words. Sexual tension." She says and Elizabeth clears her throat. "For example, one day you'll start noticing many, many things and then you'll start getting... you know the word, and then you'll wanna try it out and then you will. Nothing will stop it." She shrugged.

"Except for me. Nothing like that will be condoned in my house until you all have your own homes. Moved out at least. Okay? I-I don't wanna come home one day and hear that, through these thin walls." Elizabeth said and Logan takes a deep breath before standing up. "I'm going to bed." He says. "It's barely eight pm!" Lolita called out but he kept going towards his room anyway.













authors note in conclusion,,,
lolita: you two should fuck lmao
elizabeth: not in my household

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