042. studying.

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     INSTEAD OF going home like he's suppose to, Logan went with the party to Mike's place where they all planned to study together for finals. "Being a freshman sucks." Mike complained and Max sighed, standing up, "I'm gonna go get a drink." She said and the other two boys followed except for Logan and Mike. Logan glanced up from the book he was reading, "what?" Mike said without even looking to know that Logan was staring.

"Come here," Logan said and Mike looked at him. "No." He said and Logan furrowed his brows. "Fine, then I'll come to you." He said as he set his feet down, off of Mike's lap as where they originally had been. Mike can smell the nicotine but something else too, like... strawberries? He looked at Logan who wrapped an arm around him.

"Mikey... I know you're mad at me, but hey, I love you. And I'm sorry I smoked." Logan said and Mike just sighed. He leaned in and pecked Logan's cheek. "Not mad at you." He says and Logan furrows his brows. "Then what's up?" He asked and Mike sighs, getting into Logan's lap, the older boy wrapped his arms around his waist loosely. Mike always liked being in Logan's lap, in his arms and anywhere even near him if he's being honest.

"Just stressed... a bit." He said then looked at Logan who stared at him. "If it's about the finals, hey, you'll do great, I know it." Logan said and squeezed his hip gently. Mike looked at him and smiled faintly, he liked how much Logan believed in him and thought he was good, and smart. He leans in, kissing Logan gently who kissed back.

Mike can taste it more now, the strawberry taste and thought it was nice. Little did he know Logan actually ate something, some candy before school ended because he knew Mike hates when he can taste the nicotine off his lips, off his mouth, so he tried to cover it up with candy.

Logan pulled back, "wanna go through your flash cards?" He asked and Mike nods right away, getting off his lap and picking the bundle up. Logan started just as the other three came back downstairs, with drinks and even drinks for Mike and Logan who quickly thanked Max who had gotten the drinks for them, saying Dustin and Lucas were too busy arguing over who gets the last can of new Coke first and then Max said she was just gonna grab the four Crush cans and go.

But then Lucas dragged her into it, saying he was a fan of new Coke before all of them, but then Dustin accidentally revealed they were dating by saying he should get it because he's Lucas' boyfriend. And Max just stood there glancing from one boy to the other before she took the Coke for herself.

Now Dustin and Lucas were glaring at each other, sipping their cans of Crush instead of Coke. No one said anything, only studied and then Lucas said something. "I should've gotten the last can." Dustin looked at him with an annoyed look. "I should've!" Dustin argued right back.

As the two bicker, Logan sighed, "ladies, ladies," he interrupted and both look at him. "You could have just gotten two straws and shared it. We know you're dating, Max told us." He said and Dustin scoffed. "Dating? No, no, no, no." Lucas said and Dustin looked at him, offended.

"Why that many no's, Lucas?"

"N-Nothing, just—" Lucas paused and Dustin rolled his eyes and looked at their friends. "Yes, we're dating." He nodded quickly and Lucas smacked his arm. Dustin shoved him back, annoyed. "Wow... who knew you guys were more annoying when you're together." Mike droned, staring at his two best friends. "Guys, I can't work like this! Leave your lovers' quarrels out the door when we're studying!" Max said and Logan smirks.

"How's El?"

She flipped him off and that's when they stopped, all of them studying quietly until Mike got tired of it and stood up. "Logan, let's go upstairs." He said and it only caused the other three to let out really harmonized ooh's at them.

Logan rolled his eyes but followed his boyfriend, all the way upstairs to Mike's room where Mike shut the door, sighing softly. "What's the matter, baby boy?" Logan asked as he sat down at the end of the bed and Mike just came over and sat with him, closing his eyes and rubbing them gently.

"Just tired... of everything." Mike mumbled and Logan looked at him, frowning slightly. "Oh, come here," he said and wrapped around his boyfriend who rested his head onto Logan's shoulder. "I love you," Mike mumbled into his neck, kissing it gently, that sensitive part near Logan's Adam's apple and it made Logan smile softly.

"I know." He said as he rubs Mike's arm. "Don't Han Solo me when you didn't even know what Star Wars was until we met." Mike said as he pulled away and Logan smiled at his reaction. "I love you, Mike." He says and Mike smirks, sure Logan was giving him the opportunity to say it but it didn't stop him from saying it anyway; "I know."

He leaned in, his hands gently holding Logan's face and closing the space between them to kiss him. Logan kissed back, rubbing Mike's hips with one hand and the other held the boy's shoulder. He always loved kissing Mike, he was a good kisser and they didn't get to very often so he cherished the kisses, really relished in them.

Their relationship, even after Valentine's day however, always felt the same. Long talks on the phones or long debates which main character was the best in movies; Logan argued Darth Vader was the best character because villains rule and Mike argued that it was Luke Skywalker because he always manages to save everyone.

Logan never agreed and neither did Mike ever agree with him, but that didn't matter because they loved talking to each other so much that it didn't matter what the outcome some of their conversations were; arguments, meaningful talks, they were all the same in both boy's eyes because they were lucky. Boys like them, they get caught too early, someone not closing the door all the way, getting caught even talking about it, but Logan liked that he can depend on the Wheeler family, that they supported what he and Mike had.

They're lucky.

authors note me, with tears in my eyes: sorry got a bit emotional there for a bit
also me: what the fuck? i'm such a pussy

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