048. big deal.

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LOGAN WAS invited to the diner after school by Max, Mike, Lucas and Dustin, so there he sat, beside Mike across from the other three, eating curly fries and sipping a milkshake. "I think what we should do tomorrow is play D&D, wouldn't that be fun?" Dustin offered the boys and Max. "Eh, not as fun when Will's here. He's so passionate about it and all of you are half-assing it most of the time." Logan shrugged his shoulders.

"Right, right, Will," Dustin chuckled and Lucas hits his ankle with his foot. "Ow," Dustin mumbled and Max rolled her eyes. "Maybe something else then." The ginger suggested and Logan nods. "Sure," he merely answered and then a waitress came over with a slice of pie. "Oh, I didn't order this." Logan says and the waitress flashed him a grin. "Your friends said it's your birthday and on your birthday, you get a free slice of pie." She said.

She walked away after telling them to enjoy, Logan looked at the pie and smiled. Hell yeah he was gonna enjoy it. Cherry pie, a bonus. He started eating it and then glanced at Mike. "Want a bite?" He asked and pushed the plate towards him. "Oh, no, it's your birthday." Mike shook his head and Logan furrows his brows. "And I wanna share it with you, take a bite," he said and Mike sighs.

He picks up a fork and took a piece, taking it into his mouth and started chewing. "Hmm," he hums, nodding. "It's so fucking good." He smiles and Logan smiled back at him. "Please don't make me be the fourth wheel, guys." Max said and Logan chuckled when he noticed Dustin and Lucas had moved close together and were talking quietly together. "Okay, okay, do you want a bite too?" Logan pushed the plate towards Max now.

"Hell yeah," she picked up a fork, "let me get some of that cherry pie," she grinned and cut a piece off. Logan chuckled and pulled the plate back over to him, Mike taking one cherry from the filling and eating it. Logan shook his head, eating the rest of the pie and finishing it by himself.

Dustin, Max and Lucas all got onto their bikes and rode off as Logan and Mike walk to Logan's place. "I think that we should watch a movie we haven't seen yet." Logan suggested to Mike who just nods, chuckling. "Agreed. We still haven't seen Friday the 13th like we planned." Mike says and Logan nods. "Unless you're gonna get scared." He said and nudged the boy's sides.

"No, no, no, not at all."

"Because it's okay if you do."

"No, not me! Not Mike Wheeler."

"Okay, sure, baby boy."

The two reached the driveway and Logan found it weird when he saw his mom's Vista Cruiser and Lolita's Ace was nowhere to be seen. He smiled as he looks at Mike, "home alone, you know what that means, Mikey." He said to the boy.

"We get to jump on your bed!" Mike ran off and Logan chased after him. "Hell yeah!" He said and he took out his keys, walking up to the door and going to unlock it. He takes his time, Mike tapping his foot and checking his wrist watch. "Come on! I'm growing old over here." Mike said and Logan laughed before opening the door. He opens the light and that's when, "surprise!"

Logan grabbed Mike's arm right away and backed away, his eyes wide. "Uh, what the fuck?" Logan said loudly, kind of shocking the parents who were here. Karen, Ted, Holly, Joyce and his mom were here, so were Max, Dustin, Lucas, Will, El, Robin, Lolita and Steve but he takes no notice of that as he turns to Mike. "You said to trust you, that it wasn't gonna be a big deal." He says.

"I tried, okay! I wanted you to have the birthday you wanted, but they were already planning like last week! I'm sorry, Logan." Mike frowned and Logan sighed, turning the other way. "Th-thanks guys..." He walked over and approached Robin who was again holding the cake, it had candles on it again. Everyone started singing and Logan just played with his hands and felt overwhelmed, then he felt Mike by his side, grabbing his hand.

Their fingers interlock as they stopped singing and Mike whispers, "make a wish." Into his ear and he doesn't, just blew out the candles until it was completely dark, to which Elizabeth turned the light back on. "Great! Lolita, Robin, will you two girls go and cut the cake?" She said.

Lolita nodded and lead Robin away as an arm wrapped around Logan's neck. "Happy birthday, dude, how old are you again? Like thirteen now?" Steve asked and Logan looks up. "Fifteen..." He said and Steve shrugs. "Close enough." He smiles and pulled his arm back to go to the kitchen, probably to go and bug Lolita and Robin.

"Happy birthday!" Karen said and pulled Logan into a bone-crushing hug but he doesn't mind as he hugs back tightly, smiling. "Thanks, Mrs. W." He said and then Holly tugs on his jacket. He pulls back from the hug and kneeled down to the blonde girl. "Happy birthday." Holly pecks his cheek and then Logan noticed her arm she was holding behind her back. "What are you hiding, Hol?" He smiles and she just giggles, holding out a paper.

"Wow, this is so good, Holly." He said when he saw it was a colouring page, of a rainbow and she filled it in perfectly. "Do you like it?" She said and he looks up, nodding right away. "I love it." He said and she gives him a big hug. He hugs her back then stood up, "happy birthday... Uh, I never really learned your name but you seem really important to Mike." Ted said and Logan chuckles.

"It's Logan, sir." He said and Ted nods. He walked over to his friends next. "Hi." He said to Will right away who turned to him and hugged him tightly. "Happy birthday!" Will said and Logan chuckled, hugging back just as tight. "I can't believe you guys came back to Hawkins just for my birthday." He said as he pulled away to hug El next.

"Of course we did," El said and Logan smiles widely. "And we didn't have school today so we made the trip to come visit." She said and Logan squeezed her shoulder and pulled back. "Happy birthday." She smiled at him and he smiles back. "Thanks," he said and then looked at Erica.

"Do I know you?" He asked and Lucas sighed. "I came for cake as soon as I heard Lucas say it was the birthday of one of his dorky friends." She said and Logan points at her, "I'm not a dork!" He said and she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. "Defending yourself after being accused of being a dork? Sounds like a dork to me." She said and he pouts, crossing his arms.

"Come here," Mike said and grabbed his arm. He leads Logan away and into the bedroom. Logan's eyebrows furrow together when he saw a box on the bed wrapped in red wrapping paper and a gold bow was on top of it, very much like how he wrapped Mike's Christmas present.

authors note i wrote this entire chapter at work

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