014. for a friend.

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     WITH THE allowance money he saved up resting in his jacket pocket, Logan now stood in Melvald's, staring at the options for wrist watches. He would give Mike the one that he gave him, but he figured it would be better he gave Mike a new one. A brand new one, not the old one.

Plus, Logan liked the one that was given to him, it was a nice watch and it reminded him of Mike whenever he laid in bed as his parents argue for the hundredth time in the livingroom.

He grabbed a box and headed to the cash register, smiling when he saw it was a nice old lady. "Buying last minute Christmas gifts?" She asked as she clicked some keys on the register. He nods, "for a friend." He smiled and she raised her eyebrows. "Real good friend I'm guessing, this watch is like fifty, kid..." She says and he chuckles. "I-I know and yeah, really good friend.." He nods.

She smiled, "fifty one and sixty cents." She says and he quickly took out his cash, handing her the right amount and she quickly puts it all into the cash register before putting the box into a brown paper bag, handing it to him with a smile.

Logan took it from her with a smile, "thanks..." He walked over to the exit, sighing. It was two days before Christmas Eve, a day he was spending with the Party at Mike's place, watching Christmas movies and eating treats Karen made.

He's excited, Christmas Eve or even Christmas Day itself sucked for Logan, his parents always complained and argued. Lolita would try and keep their family intact but would fail everytime, this year Logan thinks she was planning some supper or something. He doesn't remember or care since he was spending it with his friends.

He approached Lolita's car and got in, sighing. "What's up your butt?" She joked as she started backing out of the parking spot. "Fuckin' winter, dude... I hate it." He muttered.

That was a lie. He loves winter. He took out a cigarette, lighting it as he rolls down the window. Logan loves Christmas, he use to at least, when he was a kid. It was always fun and perfect, he can remember playing in the snow at the park back in New York or even sometimes eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate in their condo, but lately it sucked, since he turned twelve.

It always was at the age of twelve. Getting toys stopped, going out to play with friends stopped, having cookies and hot chocolate stopped and it was because he was prepubescent.

"What did you get at the store?" Lolita asked curiously and he held up the bag. "Gift... for a friend." He says and she snorts. "Friend... I bet it's Mike. You only talk about him and only have him over..." She says and he sighs.

"Don't wanna talk about it..."

At home, Logan excitedly wrapped the boxed watch with some red wrapping paper, even putting a golden bow on top. He grabbed a label and wrote for golden boy, Mikey Wheeler. He even adds a smiley face as he blushed, smiling faintly.

"Hey," he turns to see his mom at the door. "Hi..." He says as he quickly hid the box behind his back. "What's that?" She asked and he shrugs. "Gift for... Max..." He smiled and she squints her eyes at him. "You got a crush on her or something?" She asked and he chuckles. "What? No!" He exclaims and she crossed her arms, smirking.

"You're bushing!"

"I always look like this!" He exclaimed and she chuckles. "Okay... well, if you do like her, I'd like to meet her soon." She says and he sighs. "Maybe..." He said and set the box down, biting his bottom lip. "Uh... I'm gonna spend Christmas Eve with them. Is that okay? Them as in my friends, I mean." He said and looked up, over at her.

"Oh, well... that's nice. I-I hope you have a good time with them." She says and he nods, looking down as he continued to chew on his bottom lip. "It's okay, right?" He looks up and she nods quickly, smiling at him. "Your dad... doesn't have to be asked so it's okay, I'll tell him it's fine." She says and he merely nodded, looking down.







authors note i wrote this in a rush and it's so short but only because i wanna write for the chapter with christmas eve already ✌️😙

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