053. polar opposites.

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THE NEXT two weeks, Logan barely touched Mike. Sure, he kissed him and held his hand but whenever Mike would try and make out with him, he'd put a stop to it and just say he was tired or not in the mood. Anything to put a stop to it really, and then Mike would get a bit... grumpy.

Currently, they were studying in Mike's basement, being a Sophomore had more responsibilities than as a Freshman. "Mikey?" Logan said and Mike barely glanced up. "Hmm?" He said, chewing the cap of his pen. "What do you wanna do for your birthday?" He asked him and Mike thinks.

It's Friday, May 22, meaning Mike's birthday was in ten days from now. "Uhh... Whatever's cool with me." Mike shrugged and Logan frowns, moving to lay down. He puts his head on Mike's lap, staring up at him but then Mike puts his textbook up to hide Logan's face from him. "Oh, come on, last year, we had this whole big birthday bash... What is it this year? Oh, birthday party down here?" He gestured around the basement.

"It doesn't matter, Logan," he mumbled and Logan furrows his brows. "Baby boy," he said and Mike didn't say anything. "Why should anything I want matter, when what I wanted and asked about before didn't?" He said and his voice was kind of quavering. Logan quickly sat up, becoming more confused and saw Mike sat there with a small pout and kind of teary-eyes. "What? What did you ask for?" Logan quickly asked him.

"I asked you if you wanted to try something new, it's what I wanted and now I'm starting to think you don't want me in that way or ever will, I get it, I'm not the most attractive looking but it's—" "oh, my God, Mike, Mike, Mike," Logan said and put an arm around Mike's shoulders. "Come here. Sit on papa's lap." He said and Mike glares at him. "I'm trying to lighten the mood! Sorry, just... sit on my lap," he said and Mike sighed softly.

"Mikey, it's not you..." Logan sighed and even leaned in, pecking Mike's cheek gently. "It's me... I just... Have this thing and it happened and... Now that it happened, I keep thinking that I shouldn't do that, like ever again but I-I will eventually! It's just... insecurity and... issues I have with trusting. I'm sorry." He said and put his chin on Mike's shoulder. Mike looked at him, kind of sadly, "you don't need to feel that way with me..."

"I know. And I hate that I do..." He whispered against Mike's shirt and the boy frowned before turning in his lap carefully, reaching up to cup Logan's face. "It's okay..." He said and leaned in, gently kissing his boyfriend.

Logan kissed back or tried to but then he pulled away and sniffled softly. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled and looked into Mike's eyes. "No, no, it's okay. I-I should be sorry and I am... We don't have to do that until you're comfortable or until we're older. Promise." He said and leaned in again, this time kissing Logan's cheek. Logan closed his eyes and leaned into it, sighing softly.

He pulled back and looked at Mike in the eyes again, "sorry." He said again and Mike shook his head. "I am. We don't have to until you're comfortable." He says and then smiled slightly and Logan sighed, rubbing his back gently. "I love you." He mumbles and Mike smiled more. "I love you more," he said and leaned in this time to kiss Logan on the lips, just for a couple of seconds.

He put his forehead against Logan's when he pulled away. "We're coming in! Put your clothes back on!" They heard from the basement door and both sighed as Mike got off his lap and sat side by side with him instead. The door opens as Mike put his textbook back onto his lap and Logan put his head onto Mike's shoulder, Max, Lucas and Dustin came running down the steps.

"Hi." Max smiled at her two friends widely. "Hey..." Logan said and Mike glanced up. "We're studying." He said and looked back down. "Who cares? Weather's becoming warmer, let's go and be out there in the world! It's fun out there, guys." Dustin said and Logan looked directly at him. "Yeah? Hang out where? Arcade sucks, we're too big for playgrounds, Hawkins doesn't have beaches, the mall was destroyed and the diner started closing at nine on weekends." He says.

It wasn't even nine o'clock yet but he just didn't feel like going there at the moment. "There's a party. Some chick named Diane." Lucas said with a grin and Logan looked at Mike right away who looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows.

The five went anyway. Mike was the only one who was younger than all of them, being only fifteen so he was kind of nervous about it, he couldn't tell but the other three were as well. They sucked it up and walked into the party, many people were dancing, drinking out of red solo cups or beer bottles. Logan's eyes scan the crowd then he grabbed Mike's wrist gently, leading him along.

They approach a boy, he looks their age, actually maybe seventeen. Logan leaned over and spoke into his ear over the music. Mike watched with sort of a jealous look but then the boy put something into Logan's hand. Logan nodded to the boy, "I owe you." He said and the boy smirked.

"Let's go, Mike," he nodded towards the other way and now Mike was being lead towards the staircase, the two boys running up the stairs. Max, Dustin and Lucas thought nothing of it since they were too busy getting drinks for themselves.

In one of the bedrooms, Mike is tugged inside and Logan shut the door, locking it behind him. "Logan, who was that guy? What did he give you?" Mike asked as he sat down onto the bed. Logan turned around and smiled upon seeing his boyfriend, looking so innocent, his hair kind of tousled because of how much he messed with it on the way here out of pure nervousness, he had that gleam in his eyes like he always does and his lips were kind of in a small pout as he played with his fingers on his lap, staring at Logan.

Mike was wearing jeans with a red shirt tucked into them and a bomber jacket over it. It's a green one and belonged to Logan; but he insisted that Mike keep it because it looks better on him. Logan was wearing his usual outfit, a muscle tank, black jeans but theze were tighter than his usual sorta baggy ones, his black boots and his leather jacket. Polar opposites, Mike would say about them all the time and Logan would always say the same, opposites attract, then they'd kiss.











authors note i'm just saying,,, byler should be endgame, no one can say otherwise.

hi everyone. i was inactive all day but here's a late update. might be early for some of you but it's pretty late for me, 11:30 pm.

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