068. you're smitten.

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     IT HAD been two weeks since the trip to New York, it was two weeks of school, days getting longer and longer as they passed, but now, today was the last day of their Sophomore year, they would be starting their Junior year soon.

Just one more shitty day of school. June 26. That meant Jonathan, Joyce, El and Will would be coming to spend the summer there tomorrow. Logan glanced around the classroom then noticed the time. 2:59. He stared at the clock and then it struck 3 o'clock, meaning he was free.

The bell rang, confirming it and everyone rushed out in happiness and excitement. He walked out, backpack on one shoulder and pushing past people. He smiled upon seeing his friends, his party by the west entrance. He walked over, "hi," he said and Mike quickly turned around.

"Hi." He said in that soft voice he always reserved for people he cared about. It made Logan happy he used it a lot around him. "You guys ready to go?" He asked since he offered they can drive around in Ace for a while. Mike quickly nodded and looked to the others who all nodded as well. The group left the school, happy and excited for what that summer had in store for them.

They drove around listening to music on the radio until eventually Max asked to be driven home. And then Lucas. And then Dustin. And then it was just Mike and Logan. "Hmm... big spacey back seat... Wonder what we can do." He said and Mike just smiled. "I'm not making out with you in the back seat on the side of the road if that's what you're thinking..." He crossed his arms.

"Oh, no, no, no, not at all! I guess you were thinking of it." Logan pointed his thumb at Mike who just looked at him. "Because we don't have to. We have the basement. Your room. Even the shack which you even said you cleared out just to make space for a thinking shed." He said and Logan smiled. "Thinking shed is not for that, you horn dog!" He poked Mike and he rolls his eyes.

"Horn dog? You're so funny it hurts. Like really painfully." He said and Logan smiled, putting both hands on the wheel. "Hey... you okay? You seem quiet... Distant." Mike asked as he put his hand on Logan's shoulder gently.

"Just... thinking about how I have two more school years left. Two more years of putting up with all of the bullshit..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Mike frowned and pulled his hand back, "we'll make it. We'll do it... Together," he said before putting his hand into Logan's.

"Yeah..." Logan sighed and rubbed the back of Mike's hand. "Come closer... we've left town now." He smiled and Mike smiles, scooting over. Logan wrapped an arm around him. "Once school is over, once we get those diplomas in our hands, we'll leave. Okay? Wherever you want." He said and even pressed a kiss to the top of Mike's head. "Wherever?" He asked and Logan nods.

"Anywhere would be perfect as long as you're there..." Mike said and kissed Logan's hand. Logan smiled and then unwrapped his arm from around Mike, "wanna head back to yours?" He asked and Mike just nodded his head, smiling.

The drive to Mike's was kind of quiet, Mike stared out the windshield and Logan stared at the road, making sure to be careful as he drove, checking blindspots, turning the blinker on which way he was going and watching out for kids. Music is playing, Angel by Madonna. Logan furrows his brows then turned the volume up a bit.

"You must be an angel," he looked at Mike for a second then back at the road, "I can see it in your eyes," he continued to sing along as Mike looked at him with fully red cheeks, "full of wonder and surprise." He smiled widely now. He knew he was making Mike flustered by singing.

Mike looked away, smiling widely to himself kind of coyly as he held his hand up to his face. "You're sweet..." He looked out the passenger window and Logan smirked. "I was singing to myself." He teased making Mike roll his eyes. "Oh, no, you're smitten for me, Logan Simmons, no need to hide it. I already know." He grinned widely.

"Hey... I kind of wanna change my name..." Logan smiled and Mike looked at him. "To what?" He said and Logan sighs. "Well... I mean, my mom went back to going by Whittaker, her maiden name." He shrugged and Mike smirks. "Logan Whittaker." He giggled and Logan rolls his eyes.

"Lolita said she was gonna legally change her name too... Lola Whittaker." He said and glanced at Mike who just slowly nods. "Lola Whittaker sounds good." He smiled and Logan glares at him. "And Logan Whittaker doesn't?" He asked and Mike sighs, smiling faintly. "It's just... you're Logan Simmons and you've always been Logan Simmons, to me, at least." He shrugged softly.

"And now I'll be Logan Whittaker. I won't be different, if that's what you think. I'll still be the same bisexual, socially awkward and clingy boy you love." He smiled and Mike sighs. "Whatever. I will, nothing makes me stop loving you and if changing your last name makes you comfortable, go for it, just as long as you don't change Logan." He said and Logan just chuckles, nodding.

"Okay, okay..." He said and Mike smiled as he looked out the window. "And here we are..." Logan parked the car and Mike looks at him. "Basement?" He asked and Logan thinks about it. "Sure." He simply nodded and Mike smiles.

In the basement, they played Atari and then when Mike got bored, he sprawled onto the couch, his head on Logan's lap. "Stay for dinner?" He smiles and Logan nods, brushing his fingers through his boyfriend's long, black hair.

"I'd love to, Mikey."

authors note ya'll remember "for golden boy, Mikey Wheeler"? becuz me too, i miss it.

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