064. feel good.

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     LUCAS AND Dustin were right, the first three days were non-stop educational trips to museums or other historical buildings until finally they got a free day and Logan spent the morning sleeping in, Mike looked over and sighed. He got off his bed and went to straddle Logan's back. "Logan! Logan! Logan! Get up! Get up! Get up!" He says.

Logan groaned and covered his head with a pillow. "What time is it?" It's muffled but Mike still understood it. He glanced to the alarm clock, where their watches were. Mike's watch that Logan gave him and Logan's watch that Mike gave him.

"12:15." He said and Logan sighed, pushing the pillow off and flipping over underneath Mike. "Really let me sleep in that long? Getting impatient?" He asked as he now looked up at Mike who nodded his head, staring down at him as he was now straddling Logan's stomach, so close to his chest. Why did he think this was a good idea? Because now he felt... weird.

"Well, I'm up now, what do you wanna do?" He asked and Mike smiled. "Kiss me." He said and Logan grimaced. "I have morning breath." He says and Mike shrugs. "Don't care." He said and Logan sighed, slipping up underneath him until Mike was now straddling his thighs and he can sit up.

He leaned in slowly towards Mike who was staring into his eyes with that look in his own eyes. That same unreadable look in them. Logan stopped a few inches away from Mike, who was about to close the space between them when he stopped him, his two fingers against Mike's lips.

"I'm gonna brush my teeth." He said before putting a hand to the boy's waist and pushed him off his lap. Mike groans, laying onto the bed and watching Logan get up from the bed. He went into the washroom where he brushed his teeth, looking at himself in the mirror. He didn't wear a shirt last night and he hated how he felt.

How he looked. He turned around, looking down at the floor with a grimace. He kept brushing his teeth before finally turning around and spitting into the sink. He opened the door and walked out to see Mike was still laying on his bed.

"Mike?" He asked and Mike sat up quickly, looking up at him. "Why do you wanna... do that so bad?" He asked and Mike looked away. "I don't want to... I just wanna give you my time and attention, and if that counts, I'll be willing..." He shrugged and Logan stared at him. "So... you'd be on the bottom?" He asked and Mike's face contorts into confusion as he looked up at Logan. "Bottom?" He asked and Logan slowly nodded his head.

"Where I put my—" "Oh! Okay... Uh, I mean... I don't know." He shyly said and Logan got onto the bed. "I can start out lightly... to show you. Make you feel good." He said and Mike blushed a lot, biting his bottom lip. "Yeah?" He said and Logan nodded. "Yeah..." He said, leaning in and kissing Mike gently. Trying a few small things wouldn't hurt... Logan got onto the bed next to him.

He rubbed Mike's sides, his hips before looking at him in the eyes, "tell me when you want me to stop... when you feel uncomfortable." He said and Mike nodded right away. "I trust you, Logan..." He bit his bottom lip again so Logan leans in, his hand going to the waistband of Mike's shorts.

Mike kept his face in Logan's neck or on Logan's shoulder the whole time, his whole face red and sometimes spewing cuss words. Eventually, Logan got off the bed and walked into the washroom where he opened the faucet, washing his hands and wetting a handcloth. He walked back out and over to Mike. "This will help." He sighed and reached up, wiping it onto Mike's forehead gently.

"Logan," Mike whimpered softly and reached up for his shoulder, Logan worried frantically in his head, was this not what Mike wanted? Did he not like it? Did Logan overstep the line? "I wanna do the same for you." His hand trailed down Logan's chest, towards his stomach but Logan grabbed his wrist, stopping him right away.

"Don't... you're tired, sweetheart." Logan leaned down and kissed Mike's forehead. "See, you're shaking," he chuckled lightly and Mike sighed, laying back down onto the bed. "I'm... kind of embarrassed. I-I didn't take long." He said and Logan chuckled, leaning down and pecking his lips. "Don't worry about it." He rubs Mike's chest.

"I liked it... You don't have to worry about me... like being uncomfortable." He says and Logan nods. "Just... I liked it. And I'd like to do more sometime soon." Mike smiled and even leaned up, kissing Logan on the lips. This time it was smoother, not forced and it was passionate.

Mike leaned away and crossed his arms, shyly smiling up at his boyfriend now. "One day, like I said." Logan rubs his arm then laid down next to him, staring up at the ceiling. "Still have to... work through it." He said and Mike nods. "Take all of the time you need." He tells him.

Then there was a knock at the door, ruining their moment together and Logan sighed but got up from the bed anyway, walking over to the door and opening it. Max rushed right by him and greeted Mike, plopping onto the other bed, Lucas and Dustin walked inside as well, both smiling and looking at one another every few moments.

"Lucas and Dustin are completely in their own world! Their own bubble, so... You guys okay? Not in some weird lovey-dovey, just you and me, no one else trance shit?" She said with crossed arms and Logan looked at Mike immediately who grinned widely, looking over at Max.

"Not at all!" Mike said and quickly sat up, facing her. "Uh... we can go to a mall or... an aquarium?" He offered and she quickly nods. "Sounds fun!" She smiled and Logan gestured to himself. "Gonna get into something more appropriate... I know it's hot here but I can't walk around shirtless." He said and Mike giggled. "I wish." He says and this only caused Max to roll her eyes at them.

authors note max just misses her gf 🥺
+ i didnt write actual smut it made me uncomfy but some shit did go down but i aint writing it

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