065. you are a dork.

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AFTER THEY spent some time in the mall, they ended up visiting the aquarium where Mike pointed out all of the fish, naming them only to have Max, Lucas and Dustin tease him for being a dork. "Logan, make them stop," he says with a pout and Logan chuckled, wrapping an arm around him. "Aw, Mikey, you are a dork, biggest one of them all!" He said and even squeezed his cheek.

Mike shoved his hand away with a grumpy look on his face. "Fine. Don't come crawling to me for the name of a fish!" He said and walked away. "Oh, come on, Mike! We were just teasing!" Max ran to follow him and Logan does the same, Lucas and Dustin following shortly behind. "Mikey!" Lucas called out, giggling with Dustin.

Logan slowly stopped as they approached another aquarium with other kinds of fish in it, he watched a group nearby and recognized one of them in it. His throat clenched and his heart felt heavy. He could feel every nerve pulsate in his body and he felt like he was gonna start panicking.

"Hey, Logan, are you okay?" He quickly turned to see Dustin. "Jake is here..." He whispered and Dustin's eyes widen. "Like... Jake-Jake?" He said and Logan nodded right away.

"I-I wanna go." He mumbled and Dustin rushed off. "Don't go anywhere! I'll go get Mike." But as soon as he was off, Logan looked over towards that group and saw they weren't there anymore so he looked all around only to find they were standing a few feet away, staring directly at him.

He froze up, Jake was raking him up and down with his eyes and that's when Logan realized he shouldn't be here. He didn't wanna be here. So he ran. He just ran until he couldn't, and when he stopped running, he stopped right in front of a skateboard store, he stared at it then looked towards the direction he came from before quietly going inside. "Hello?" He called out but no one responded, but then heard someone coughing.

He walked further into the store and saw it was a boy working at the cashier, "what's up, man?" He said as he set something down. "Um... I-I'm good." Logan sighed and glanced all around. "Is there by any chance a washroom around here?" He asked and the boy pointed to the back door. "First door on the left, but you gotta be a costumer." He shrugged and Logan sniffled, glancing around.

"I'll just buy this." He grabbed a pin out of a box and put it onto the counter. "Okay... an alien. Cool." He said and smiled at Logan. "65 cents." He said and Logan raised his brows before taking out the coins. "Now... is there a lock on it?" He asked and the boy slowly nodded. "Listen, are you going in there to jerk off? Because I'd rather you didn't, I have to clean that shit up." He said and Logan sighed. "No..." He said before walking over.

He opens the door and went to the door of the first room on the left immediately. He stood there and locked the door, staring at the mirror which was directly across the bathroom. He set the seat cover down and sat ontop of the toilet tank. He sighed and held his arms tightly around his body.

He heard knocking on the door suddenly. "Dude, you know these people? Some dude with weird ass hair named Dustin." He said and Logan quickly stood up. "Yeah... can you send Mike inside?" He asked and the guy shrugged. "Fine, but like I said, no fucking in there, I have to clean it!" He said and Logan's eyes widen at the boy's words before he walked away to go get Mike.

Logan sat down again and waited, the door slightly open. Mike walked in, shutting the door behind him and sighing as he locked it. "Hey... why'd you run off?" He asked as he walked over, grabbing Logan's wrists gently. "They were staring at me..." Logan frowned and Mike sighed softly.

"You should've waited for me..." He said as he stood on the other side of Logan, wrapping his arms around him. Logan leaned towards him, putting his head to Mike's chest. "I'm sorry... but the way he was looking at me... I-I didn't feel okay." He whispered and Mike rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey, why don't we go back to the room... Maybe watch some movies and then go out for supper with the others." He said and even leaned down to kiss the top of Logan's head. The boy simply nodded, not really wanting to do anything else anymore that meant they had to be in public.

"Hey, did Max ever cut Stacy's hair then?" He asked and Mike chuckled. "I don't think so, probably waiting until the last night." He said and Logan looked up at him. "Baby... I love you." He said and Mike smiles down at him. "I love you." The dark haired boy said as he put his hand to his boyfriend's face, his thumb rubbing over the boy's cheekbone. "Hmm... kiss me." Logan mumbled and Mike leaned down, connecting their lips.

Mike is kind of taken back with Logan's hands going to his lower back, pulling him closer. Their kiss deepened but then, there was another knock. "Guys, come on! I'm getting bored! Dustin and Lucas went back into their bubble again where they pretend I don't even exist!" It was Max.

Mike sighed, "continue after." He rubbed Logan's shoulder and went over to open the door. "Oh, come on, come on, we're going to the hotel." Mike said and Logan got up to follow behind. "Guys! Come on! Let's go!" Mike shouted to Dustin and Lucas as they head for the exit of the store.

"Hey, dude! You forgot this!" The worker said and held up the pin. Logan walked over and picked it up. "Um... thanks, again..." He said before turning around and walking away, leaving with his friends so they can walk back to the hotel.










authors note anyway after last chapter i'm probably never writing anything sexual about them anymore because 1, mike will get pregnant 😔 and 2, logan already has fang as his baby

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