005. avoiding us.

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LOGAN DIDN'T SEE Mike or his stupid party until the last period that next day on the first of November. He was at his locker when he saw them coming down the hall, Dustin was talking to Mike and Lucas about Halloween. Max was quiet and as soon as she saw Logan, she waved but Logan simply put on his headphones of his Walkman.

His favourite album by Metallica blared through them before he walked the other away, avoiding the party completely especially after school. They usually left by the West entrance and he left by the North Entrance that lead straight into the parking lot of their high school. "Hey." He said as he started walking alongside with his older sister, Lolita.

"Hi," she said, a lollipop in her hand. As soon as they reach Lolita's car, he sighed when he saw Max standing there at the back, holding her skateboard in one hand. "You have four minutes," Lolita simply said before going into the car. "Hey." Logan says, avoiding looking at Max who sighs.

"Why are you avoiding us? Dustin said you didn't sit with him in art, he was really hurt... and annoyed, he had to sit next to that asshole, Troy." She says and Logan just stuffs his hands into his pockets. "I'm not your fucking babysitter, not my problem." He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" She says and he nods. "Yeah.. Max, I only talked to you because I had no one else, I didn't wanna be mean... But I guess I have to be for you guys to fully get the point. I don't wanna be apart of no fucking loser party." He says and he immediately regret it when he saw the look in her eyes. "Oh... sorry.. Sorry I bothered you then.. I guess Lucas was right." She muttered to him.

He then watched her walk away and huffed softly. He's so dumb. Why would he say that to her? He got into the car quickly and Lolita drove off right away, heading straight home. She figured that's where Logan was planning to go, the boy was merely staring out the window and frowning.

At home, Logan went straight to his bedroom and threw his Walkman onto the bed. He set his backpack by the desk and glanced around the room. He didn't have much to do at home, let alone anywhere in this stupidly small town. He sighs, exiting his room and passing Lolita who went to her room, the end of the hall to the left as Logan's was right across, the only room on the right of the hall.

He walks into the kitchen and sighed, rolling his eyes before settling on just deciding to do the dishes. As he did them, Logan thought about a lot of things. One thought being he fucking hates Hawkins. People in the town had it easy and they were all still such assholes. And not to mention this house might be the shittiest one of them all.

One floor, seriously? No basement? No attic either, three bedrooms which is perfect for their family and one bathroom. But that's all it had. So lame. Logan quickly finished up the dishes and sighed, leaning against the counter with crossed arms. "Ew, you did the dishes? That's a woman's job." Lolita said as she walked into the kitchen, keys in hand due to the fact that she was probably leaving.

"Fuck you, cunt, like you do it." He glared at her and she rolls her eyes. "Whatever.. I'm going, I have plans with my new friends; something you had but completely drove away." She cackled at her own joke, leaving the kitchen and he scoffs.

After she left, he just sat in the living room, watching tv. He blows his gum into a bubble just to suck it back in. God, was he so fucking bored. He got up and just left his house, locking it when he walked out. Like they had valuables anyone would wanna steal anyway. They were sort of poor, well, middle class more like it but they weren't rich exactly.

Not like his dad was earning six figures, his dad had a shitty job and his mom selling the fucking plastic containers that hold food. Jesus. His mom was really one of the many reasons why his family moved from New York to come live in this small town. His mom got a job offering and after the shitty thing his father did, which was also another reason why they moved, he agreed to moving.

His parents, Elizabeth and Larry had a complicated relationship; that he can admit, but unlike Lolita, he doesn't get into it. As long as they don't divorce, Logan didn't care what they did. They could host an orgy in their house and he'd be okay with it and leave for them to have those orgy people over.

That was an exaggeration. Logan arrived to that place and stared at the building then headed for the door. He walked in and smiled when he saw a guy at the counter. "Hi." He says and the guy glanced up. "Oh, damn it, you're Max's friend." He says and Logan shook his head. "Not anymore."

"Anyway.. is that chick here?" He says as he puts his chin onto his hand. "No.. But I'm Steve," the boy points to his name tag, "how can I help?" He asked with a small smile at Logan.

"Uh... I just wanted to ask about Mike.." He says and Steve started smiling more widely. "Dingus, don't say another word," Robin said as she walked out of the back room, pushing Steve out of the way. "Yes, hi, I'm here." She says as she faced him.

"I just.. Mike told me to stay away." He said and sounded sad more than he thought he would. "From him and the party?" Steve said with a surprised look and Logan nods with a small frown. "Okay.. come with us, kiddo." Robin gestured.







authors note hi yes i am fine, how are you?

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