071. heart to heart.

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LOGAN HAD heard back from Chris that night to be informed he did in fact get the job so he was preparing, trying to practice being nice. "Hello, do you have these in the colour pink?" El held up an old collar of Fang's, she and Max were over with Will to help him with practicing. "El, that's Fang's old collar, why on Earth would you want a pink collar with spikes—" "Logan! She's a costumer who has a badass-girly dog." Max says.

Logan sighed as El smiled widely at Max, before looking back at Logan. Logan forced a smile at El, "no. It has to be a real smile, show you're happy to be there." Max explained and Logan tried to genuinely smile then. "There ya go! Now, answer any questions we have." Max says.

"Not a lot of people have pets here in Hawkins, let alone live in Hawkins, which they now call Hell, by the way." He said as he looked at Max. "Just listen to me." El said and scooted a bit closer. "Do you have any food for my cat?" She asked.

"You have a cat?" Logan said and Max sighed. "Pretending! Hello?" She waved her hands and El giggled. "I do have a cat, but come on, Logan, focus." She said and Logan sighed again. "How may I help you today, ma'am?" He asked.

Will giggled, "he said ma'am..." He laughed more loudly and Max pointed. "William, if you're not here to help, go," she told him and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, I'll stay quiet..." He said and she sighs, looking at Logan. "Do you have cat food?" She asked and Logan simply nods, "yes. It's in the third aisle." He said and El smiled. "Amazing! Thank you, kind sir." She said and he chuckles.

"Do you have dog carriers? The backpack looking kind?" Will said as he gestured his hands around his body and Logan looked at him. "Yes. Fourth aisle." He said and Will clapped. "Good!" He smiled and Max smirked. "Do you have clothes for dogs? It's winter and my pup's getting kinda cold." She said and Logan held himself back from rolling her eyes at that question. He sighed.

"Yes. It should be in the fifth aisle, anything else?" He said and they all shook their heads. "Nope!" Max said and Logan laid down. "Great. Now get out of my room, I'll be fine." He tells them.

"No! You have bad social skills, Logan." El said as ahe came and sat by him on the bed. "Okay, but you grew up in a lab, what would you know?" He said and El sighs. "Just about everything, Max taught me a lot. So did Claire back home." She said and Logan looks at her. "Claire?" He says.

She nods, "my friend. The first friend I made." She smiled proudly of herself and he looks up at the ceiling. "That's great, El." He says and Max sighed. "Just be genuine, okay? Don't fake smile, people can see through that bullshit and don't forget, ask Chris when you don't—" "know where things are, yeah, yeah, I know." He nodded.

"Want us to go now?" Will asked and Logan sighs. "I did at first, but now I like the company. Never leave." He said and Will chuckles, but they all complied, keeping him company. "So, what? You think Chris is cute?" El said, she was laying on one side of him and Max was laying on the other side as Will sat at the desk chair.

"I guess." Logan shrugs but then sighed. "But my eyes are only on Mike half of the time. I love him and he loves me. He's my boyfriend and I'd never do that to him." He explained, sighing. "We know... we're just curious." Max told him and even booped his nose making him scrunch up his face. "I mean... I will be spending all summer with him if I keep working there..." He sighed.

"Yup." El said and Logan sighs. "Mike loves me... right?" He looked up at El who nods. "Won't shut up about you." Will said with an eye roll. "Like ever." Max said and El giggles.

"Good. I'm the same with him." Logan smiled as he stared at the ceiling. "We can tell." Max said and poked at Logan's cheek. "Max, don't—" "don't what? Do this?" Max asked as she poked him on the cheek again and he just sighed loudly.

"I see how you and Mike were made for each other." El said and Logan glared at her. She just smiled at him and then looked at Will, her eyebrows furrowed then she looked back at Logan. He gets confused and looked over at the boy to see he was staring out the window. "Will the Wise, you okay?" He asked and Will quickly looked over.

"Yeah." He quickly nods with a forced smile. "Will... told them what you told me." El said and Will sighed. "Do I have to?" He asked and El just nods. "Uh... Luke moved away, and we had to break up. But it ended in a nasty way." He said and El nods, looking at the other two.

"Believe him when he says that because I never heard him yell at someone like that before." She said and Will rolled his eyes, turning away. "I just couldn't take it, he was treating me like dirt!" He said as he crossed his arms. Logan sighed and got up, walking over to stand behind the desk chair, "Will... wanna talk this out thoroughly together?" He asked and Will just sighed.

"I don't even wanna think about it."

"But that's the thing, you still will until you talk to me about it." He said and Will sighed. "I can make the girls leave, talk heart to heart, mano-a-mano." He said and Will furrows his brows. "What does that even mean?" He asked as he looked up at Logan who shrugs. "Don't know either, dude, my dad use to say it all the time to me."










authors note calpurnia... 🥺💔

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