The Discovery

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Bellas POV

I had no idear why but a soon as that sweet , cute boy , Edward, left it felt like my heart had been ripped right out of my very body, the pain was agsunizing if you add with the pain from my frobbing head, they pain must of show on my face because ,Charlie, looked much more worried then he did before , Edward, left.

Charlie gentle reached for my hand as a sigh of comfort,  he must of knew that I felt like my whole world was collapsing on me since that very horrid day, I awoke in that hospital with literally no memory of getting there.

",Dad im fine, dont worry," I tried my very best to sound convincing but of the look on Charlie's and that tall lean Doctor I guess I wasn't successful.

As soon I snapped out of my head once agian , they doctor looked like he had been talking to me, woops, note to self stop acting like your crazy.

",Bella , Bella , hello Bella can you hear me," they young doctor kept asking me like I was stupid, I really need to get his name agian.

",Urr...yer I can hear you very well,, I just zoned out doctor?"

",um... ok Bella and by the way my name is Carlisle,"

Carlisle , Carlisle , Carlisle that name, it cant be its him from by dreams its him!

Narratives POV

Suddenly Bella when lose in her bed, she fell right back onto her pillow.

Charlie was the first to go to her as he was the nearest and Carlisle could not give his family and him up, but he still did work fast.

Charlie face showed so many emotions at once confusion, sadness, anger but more sadness.

As he had his only daughter limply laid on him hes kept repeating her name over and over agian ",Bella , Bella sweety please wake up," every time those words escaped his trembling, lips, his deep , dark brown eyes became much more glassy.

As Carlisle was right aross from him noted down her pules and inserting an iv in to her left arm keeping her hydrated. He kept hoping she would wake up soon.

Carlisles POV

As I finished inserting the iv , I told Charlie would be back in a second. I really need to get a hold of Edward ,theres a problem and he needs to be hear not for me but for Bella, I kept telling my self over and over agian .

As my phone was picking up a signail, they same thought kept coming to me.

How did I dont know the signs of amnesia when she was concis that night at the dance studio.

",Hello Carlisle," Edward tone was so sad, so depressed it almost broke my heart to hear it.

",Edward you need to come back, its Bella!,"

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