1st memory

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Alice POV

"So Bella how do you like my car" I hoped my baby Porsche would jog that little brain of my sister's.

"Wow Alice, this car it so... expensive, how can u afford it"

Bella's face started turning a bright shape of pink just like always, embossed of asking a simple question, least somethings will next change.

"Bella , my parents are rich but we don't let it get in are way or make it control us , any way I got this as 17th birthday prescient and I love it , My Porsche is my baby," I could tell Bella was a bit wired out by me calling my car a baby.

As we drove to Port Angles, it started to rain, as I predicted. I heard Bella huff about the rain, I decided to lighten her mood by putting some debssey on the radio in the car.

Bella looked surprised when it started playing and she had the same look in her eyes when have vision, this should be good, hope she remembers something.

Bella POV

Alice was being really nice taking me out on a shopping trip, but as they sky started to get darker it started to tip down , it was just typical , the same weather as always , nothing really changes here dose it? I reached in my pocket about to pull out my mp3 to listen to some of my music when Alice puts her radio on. The music starts to play when suddenly the sensory changes and im not in the car no more.

Me and Edward was say on black leather sofa made for two , sitting cross legged , listening to dubssey , in a beautiful room , where most of the walls were like large windows , so beautiful you would see everything for it. The room was filled will racks of music filled to brim. Edward was smiling and he looked so cute in his navy blue skirt, with his sleeves rolled up. Suddenly everything started to drown out, the music, Edwards's voice and my vision started to blur.

I was back in the car with Alice looking at me, like she knew I just remembered something, how could see know? Did I black out? Faint? Ow no I feel so embarrassed, I could feel my checks and my whole face heat up in a cherry red blush.

Alice looked ready to burst in existent , she reminds so much of my nab ours dog at phoenix , she was a small chwawa called Pixie and when she was excited she would jump up and down , making a sqwekey barking Nosie that would make you laugh forever.

"Bella, Bella, earth to Bella, you there Bella, you Bella snap out of your what so ever day dream, tell me did you remember something?"

She was so funny, I started to laugh, aww I made her pout, I should explain before she goes and tells on me.

"Yes Alice, I remembered something, I think it was the music that did it really."

"So... are you going to keep me waiting all day, or are you going to tell me what you remembered"

"Ow yer sorry Alice"

"Tell me!"

"I remembered that I and Edward was say on black leather sofa made for two, sitting cross legged, listening to dubssey, in a beautiful room, where most of the walls were like large windows, so beautiful you would see everything for it. The room was filled will racks of music filled to brim."

Alice was smiling so big, it looked as her face was about to fall right of and I will be the one to blame, I could actually pitcher it, ow my god Im so in sane.

"Alice, before my accident, was Edward and I close, as I mean were we friends?"

"Yer you two where really close, inseparable really,"

It was quiet the rest of the way to Port Angles , I just kept going over what Alice said in my mind , really how close was Edward and I , because when he saw me today , It seemed he hated me.

Next time I see him im going to get answers for him.

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