Getting ready for School

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Bella’s POV


My eyes are so tired. I FEEL THE PAIN IN MY LEG and I SMELL THE DRIPPING BLOOD. My eyes feel so bad I know I’m about to die. I FEEL like my whole body is on fire, and the pain is so bad. I feel Carlisle's hands on my leg trying to stop the blood from coming out; THE PAIN. Then everything goes black.

~end of dream~

I wake up screaming a name “Carlisle!" One name I don’t know why I’m saying it - I don’t know any one called Carlisle. I Feel my heart racing faster, my eyes watering, my breathing is so rushed. But I don’t know why. I can’t remember why I’m like this. I know it’s my dream, or something in that dream.

I turned my head slightly to the right to peer outside the window. The early morning sky was slightly darkened blue, the sun was dimmed through the sky. I could here the birds singing to the morning sky - it just made me happy to be home.

I decided to get up even though it was only 6:30am. I went into my cupboard looking for the clothes I would wear to my first day back at school. I had no idea, really, where I was going, who my teachers were, who was in my class or mostly anyone there since I had lost my memory, but I remember some like Mike and Angela and a few others.

I continued to look through my clothes, when I found the best outfit ever! It was a deep, dark, midnight blue with long sleeves with the shoulders bits cut out. It had hair lining around the neck, with some beading in the middle. I decided to wear it with long bootleg trousers and a pair of trainers.

I got them out and laid them on the bed before I went and had a shower.

The shower felt so nice, so warm against my smooth skin. I felt so warm. It felt like I been in the shower for hours, and as I closed my eyes I felt like I was dancing, and I could hear the tiny drip drop of the water splashing off my warm skin and onto the bottom of the shower floor.

Suddenly, my head felt so heavy, so blank. My eyes felt so tired, the tiny drip drops of the shower sounded further and further away. Then nothing.

Bella Returns (posting when ever free time )Where stories live. Discover now