Bella's Memory

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Bella's POV

The water seemed to be ok today, just right really its not to warm, not to cold. Mike seemed like a zombie today he looks like he hasn't been asleep in weeks, his eyes are red and he looks way too relaxed to be swimming.

The whole class was lining up by the swimming pool , the teacher wanted us to do back strokes in the water and she even said she will be timing us , I hate it because when you're doing back stroke you can't see any think coming ahead of you and I'm most likely to bump my head on the pool.

The whistle was blown and I jumped in , I kept my speed as I was swimming , so far so good, I was making my way to the end when suddenly the last thing I saw was mike jumping in , I felt my self-colliding with something , I couldn't see straight , I felt like my lungs were on fire as I sunk to the bottom on the pool , I couldn't get myself start , suddenly , it felt like my mind was being blown I had these memorise being played in front of my eyes, like watching a movie.

There was me sitting with all the Cullen's, including the doctor and that really nice women, what's her name? Esme I'm going to guess, we were all sitting in this really nice place , everything looked so fancy we were all laughing at Emmett , he was pretending to be a seal with two chopsticks hanging from his mouth. I was sat on someone's lap , I can't see the face it's all blurred , there voice it's like charm bells , I have heard it before , why can't I remember who the voice belongs to.

It suddenly felt like I was being sucked back into the world, my eyes felt so stiff and my throat felt so saw like it was on fire, my whole body felt like I had been hit by a monster truck. I didn't even try to move because I knew if I did I would regret it so much.

I could hear voices around me , it was Charlie's he was on the phone to the head master because he used the name Dillan , I decided to listen in for a bit because I told him I was awake, "Dillan , I want that Newton boy expelled , he was on drugs at school! He could have killed Bella! I think she has been in hospital to much this past year and I don't want anything else happening to her, if she stays at your school!"

Wow , I so suppers Mike was on drugs , I never thought of him to be on them , Erik maybe but just a study drunk nothing more.

I opened my eyes enough so the light didn't hurt them to much that chlorines a bitch in the eyes, I could see blurs of things , I knew from the very start I was in hospital , were else would I be, the smell is a big give away.

I could see a tall figure in a what looks like a chair , I guess that's Charlie , "Dad," I tried to say but came out like a frog choke , Charlie jumped so high out of his chair , I guess I scared him a bit but a soon he saw it was me who spoke he came running to my side.

"Bella, you're awake! Just stay there when I get your doctor," really Charlie were else will I go, I laughed to myself, sat myself up slowly when Charlie left the room , so I could at least see the things in front of me properly. One thing I didn't notice when I was awake was that I had a massive cask on my arm, that's just great.

Charlie returned, running thought the door to my room and followed was Dr Cullen, I was surprised to see, I thought he left with his family for a bit, I guess he was back.

He looked the same as the last time I saw him, this golden eyes and hair, in his pearly while Dr Coat and that pearly white skin to match.

"Hello again Bella, what have you got yourself into this time,"


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I been having troubles at home

I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please leave a review

I'm going to be a little mean , I won't place a new chapter till chapter has 5 reviews, I'm sorry for being mean , but I love hearing what you think for the chapter but I don't get many at all.

Thank you for reading

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