The Horrid teacher

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Belles POV

The map I was handed at the front desk, did no use truthfully , to me it looked like a big bunch of scribbles on a pieces of paper and it made it no less harder to get around this maze they call a school. Every building just looked the same , they were all painted the same dull , greyed green and they all had this identical smell to them ,like a cold , wet towel you forgot to put down to wash the day before.

I made my way into building A , were it says on my timetable I should have Literature first , in class room L23 , I kept my head down and my hood up as I made it thought the bust corridor , but somehow I manged once again , to fall flat on my face by timbering over thin air.

I could feel a nasty headack come on from the hit to the floor , everything around me was very blurry and I could only make out certain shapes around me , lucky for me I fell into a corner so most people were just walking by not thinking much of my fall.

I say in the corner of the corridor till I could make every think out in to plan site again , Which was a relief when my vision did come back to normal , least that's a good sight I didn't have a concussion.

I just sat there watching the students walk by, catching my breath, I could feel a stinging in my left wrist and lucky I didn't re-break my leg, now that would have been a disaster.

When I finally came out of my head I realised the corridors were almost completely empty , I pushed myself back up with my right hand , I wobbled a bit when I finally stood up but caught myself on the locker next to me.

I knew I was going to be late to Literature so I sprinted down the corridor to find room L23 and it was completely full and the teacher was already talking intron of the class , 'it always happens to me'. I slowly opened the door, the whole class stooped and stared at me and the teacher, Mrs Millberry stood there with her hands on her hips and that hatred look in her eyes.

I stammered out "I'm sor..ry i.m lat.e Miss," I knew I was properly going to have detention, Mrs Millberry didn't care why you're late and if you're late there no excuses no matter what, she was one of the most up-tight teachers in this school, well that's what I heard from Alice when we're shopping.

She slowly made her way over to me, till she was standing right in my face, she bent down to look me in the eyes, I could smell her morning coffee on her breath, as she shouted "Why are you late to my lesson Isabella!, just because it's your first day back at school, doesn't mean you can do what you want! Dentation at lunch time for the rest of the week!" she screamed at me.

She slowly made her way back to the front of the class , pulling her blouse down , to show more cleavage and stood up straight , "Go sit right at the back! Isabella! If you can for the rest of the year not distract my class,"

I made my way slowly over the back of the class room , I could feel everyone's eyes barring dead into me , I felt sick , I knew this day was not going to get any better. I sat down at the only rust old desk in the class room, the one with the squeaky chair.

For the rest of the class I made sure I didn't make a sound, unless asked a question. When the bell went , I felt like a ton of bricks were lifted of my shoulders ,I grabbed my bag and ran for the door and soon as I made into the nearest bathrooms , I sat on the toilets and let the tears slip out of my eyes , I felt humiliated.

I sat on the toilet and curled my legs into myself , I knew I had a free period now , so I sat like that will I heard someone come in the girl bathroom, I quit it so I was left alone, but I know who those Purple pumps belonged to.

I ran out of the stool and I ran into Alice, I knew it was wrong of me to just run up to someone and hug them and cry but she is the only one I knew here and I felt like an outcast, she is my only friends.

I felt her rubbing my back as I cried and hush me , it felt like forever till I stopped but as soon as I did I pulled away from Alice , I felt silly for doing what I did "Sorry Alice" She cut me off before I could say any more ,"Bella you have nothing to be sorry for , I heard what happened from Angela and her boyfriend Ben said he saw you fall on your way to class, he said to tell you he was sorry he didn't stop to help , he was in a rush he was late to catch the bus for the field trip. Mrs Millberry shouldn't have been such a Bitch!"

I looked at my shoes, not really knowing what to say to that, I looked up and I saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I looked like a right mess, my eyes were swallow and red, same with my nose, I could think of only on =e thing I could do to repay Alice for being kind for putting up with me being a baby, that is letting her do my makeup.

I looked at Alice, "Alice, I was wondering, you know I look like a right mess now, do u want to do give me a makeover?" I think my ear drums just popped, Alice's squilled in delight , it reminded me of the video I saw last night of a baby who got a new toy , it amazed me how she just starts to pull out the whole bag that's full of school books an makeup.

I felt my self being dragged to the toilet seat as Alice starts to prepare the makeup, It felt nice to have someone with me, it felt right.

Hello readers , i would love for you to leave reviews please , i wanna know if you liked the chapter so please spare sometime and tell me if there something wrong with the story , have your voice heard.

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