In The Small Town Called Forks

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Bellas POV

The plane ride was so long, it felt like it went on and on, but really, it was only 5hours and I had Charlie next to me at all times.

He had been very overprotective of me since what happened at my old ballet studio. Still, no one knows what happened. They say that somehow a wild animal had caused the bite marks, but know one really knows except me in my dreams, that sucks.

I had been stuck in my mind for so long I didn't even notice Charlie pulling into the drive way of what must be our home. It looked really warm and comfortable, a proper family home. The neighborhood seemed to be very calm and peaceful, with only a few other houses in sight.

I started getting out of dad's car, nearly forgetting about the big piece of rock attached to my shattered leg- my cast. I got my crutches out of the car before trying to walk.

"Bella be careful not to slip, we've had enough hospital trips to last us years" Charlie snickered under his breath.

"Hahaha dad! Very funny! Sometimes you can be very mean... " I shook my head at him, he knew I was joking.

I really missed our games, or what I could remember of them.

The biggest trouble I had faced so far was getting up the stairs to my room. I mananged it in the end after almost falling and landing on my face over and over again, but what shocked me the most was my room, I remembered it. I just stood in the door way staring at the whole room, like it was a picture hanging on the wall.

As soon as I entered the room, I felt a warm happy feeling. I fell on to my bed in relief because the happiest thing just happened, all the first memories came back, like when Charlie showed me my room when I first came, I remember decorating it. It was so good to remember those memories.

I started to think, if it was that easy to get that memory back, maybe the rest will be easy as well?

I felt like screaming in happiness."Dad! I remember my room! I remember it!" I screamed down the stairs.

Charlie came running up the stairs, the happiest I had seen him in weeks.


So sorry for the short chapter but any way thanks for reading don't forget to vote

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