A One Night Stand

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I was back in New York after 6 years of living in Maine. To me coming back here was like starting all over again. What I mean to say is that I've had 3 chances in my entire life to start over and this would be lucky number three.

I had just finished unpacking my things when my phone buzzed from the kitchen. Naturally like the clutz I am, stumble over boxes and bubble wrap and snatch my phone off the table. 

"Hello?" I say breathlessly.

There was a long pause before the woman on the other end spoke.
"Hi I'm the secretary of Mr. Simmons at Mallzen Corporation, I'm just calling to notify Miss Jackson about her starting date being tomorrow. "

I jumped up and flung my hands in the air screaming with joy. "Oh my god thank you so much, please tell Mr. Simmons he won't be disappointed."

 She hung up the phone without another word as I continued to jump and scream. I threw open my cabinet and grabbed the red wine I'd been saving for a special day like this one, popped it open, and poured myself two glasses one for celebration and one for my success, and yes I savored every bit of it.

I dialed my sister Lydia and told her the great news.

 "So the best part is that I start tomorrow, I mean like how awesome is it that? I got a job right away."

"I'm really happy for you but I really have to go." She hung up and after I stared at my phone for a while until I shrugged it off.

I wandered over to some bars near my apartment and found one that decent enough to try.

I sat down at the bar and order a White Russian.

"How unusual." A deep sexy voice said to the left of me. I look over to see a pair of blue eyes looking at me.

"That's one unusual drink for a small woman."

I laughed and walked over to sit next to him. "I'm sure I can take about four of these before I get a buzz."

He examined me and shrugged. "In that case, I'm sure you can handle anything." 

I raise an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge handsome?" What the hell was I doing flirting with a stranger?

He laughed and shook his head. "Not yet,  but the fact that the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a long time is flirting with me is shocking."

My eyes went wide, this sexy man was calling me beautiful this night just kept getting better.

"Hey, the bartender can we get some shots over here, Vodka five each."

 I looked at him while resting my head on my hands. "So what's the occasion ?"

"Just trying to see what you can handle and if I do more shots you give me your number and the time of day." 

I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "And if I win  how about me and you go back to your place?" He smiles and smacks his hands on the table. "Alright, you've got a deal."

"Don't hold back I said picking up the glass." He shot me a teasing glance and grabbed his glass.

"I'm Aaron."  

"Alaina." I say putting my hair up in a ponytail.

We shook hands and took the first shot and then five more came after and then four came after for me. 

Shot after shot was taken till he couldn't take anymore. "Alright beautiful, I have lost badly."

"Don't beat yourself up too bad." I laughed at the look on his face.
He stood up grabbed his jacket and helled out his hand to me.

Usually I'm very careful and aware of what type of men I find myself meeting but those ten shots were really making me feel gitty. I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand as he led me outside.

As we got to the car a man stepped out and held the door open for me.
"This is fancy, what are you a millionaire?" I got in and tried to position myself more comfortably when my hand landed in Aaron's lap. 

He looked at me with a teasing smile. "Can't wait huh?"

Before I could even get a word out he was leaning over and kissing my neck. I gasped as his hand gripped my waist and he pushed himself against me. We were deep into kissing so much that we hadn't realized the car stopped until his phone started vibrating. 

He pushed himself up panting and grabbed his phone. "Hey Jake I'll have to talk to you tomorrow I'm in the middle of something, literally, we'll talk after the meeting tomorrow ." Seconds later he hung up the phone brushed his hair from his face and looked at me.

"You still want  to do this." Feeling the full effect of the vodka I nodded.

We walked fast through the lobby as he nodded to the woman at the front desk still holding my hand and pulling me towards the elevator. We walked down a long hallway till we reached an apartment door.

As soon as he opened the door I took off my clothes and lifted me in the air kissing my chest and neck as he carried me to the bedroom.

Aaron laid me on the bed and pulled away from me breathing heavily. "You sure about this?"

"Hell yes," I said pulling him closer. 

My eyes got wider as he slipped his fingers inside me.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Are you ready?" and snatched my panties off.  Aaron then slid my underwear off and licked two of his fingers, slowly he put his hands between my legs watching my face the entire time. I let out a loud moan and arched my back as he kissed my stomach and up my chest.

I moaned as he finished undressing and stood before me completely naked. In my head, I'm totally freaking out. I'm about to fuck this guy that I don't know who could potentially be a murder but hey if I died this was about to be a beautiful way to go.

Before I even say what's on my mind he slides open his drawer and pulls out a condom and flips me over onto my stomach and lays between my legs kissing my neck and shoulder and then stops. I bite my lip as he pushes himself into me feeling him go deeper and deeper while he moans and pulls my hair.

(❗️READERS❗️: I hope you enjoyed what you read. I do write graphic chapters if this concerns you please read no further. Also, remember to vote and comment so I know how I'm doing a good job 🥰🥰🥰

Yours truly, 


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