Chapter 22: A Dinner to Remember

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Teams RWBY and JNPR entered the cafeteria at six, same time they usually go for dinner. The line, as usual, was long so they all had to wait to grab their food. Everyone except Blake, she went to sit at their table with three books in her hand.

"You know the only downside to all these students here," Nora said in her normal cheery voice. "Is we have to wait forever for food."

"Isn't that why every floor has a common area and a kitchen?" Weiss asked.

"Yes," Ren said. "But Grif ransacked everything."

"For someone who's so lazy," Yang added. "He seems to move pretty fast if food is involved."

"Hey maybe that's all we need to get him to exercise!" Ruby said with a shrug. The two teams shared a laugh.

"Speaking of them," Jaune said. "Where are the soldiers anyway?"

"Carolina said Washington and Sarge wanted to show all of them something," Weiss said. All of the students nodded in understanding. They grabbed their trays as the line moved forward.

"What do you think it is?" Nora asked excitedly.

"Probably something stupid and dangerous," Yang said.

"Sounds like a normal day as huntress and huntsmen huh?" Pyrrha said. Again the girls and two guys laughed. The two teams got their food as they continued to talk.

As JNPR and RWBY sat at their table their conversation switched from wondering what the Reds and Blues and agents were doing to their normal school and huntsman and huntress stuff. As Blake continued to read her books, Nora continued her story of her dream, and Yang saying a stupid pun about Nora's story, they all heard the sounds of scratching tires.

"Oh no," Ruby said. Every other student in the cafeteria heard it and ran away from the walls and into the middle of the room, hoping to not get run over. The sound of an accelerator draws closer and everyone waits for the impact.

The warthog plows right through the windows and walls of the cafeteria, thankfully with no one getting hurt. Everyone was expecting the driver to be Caboose or Grif again. However, teams RWBY and JNPR had no idea who the girls in the warthog were.

The one in the driver seat was a brick red haired girl, with her hair going and stopping at the middle of her back. She also had with olive green eyes. She had a blue waistcoat with a blue crop vest with an orange front.

The girl in the passenger seat was a purple gradient like haired girl with olive eyes. Her hair was parted to the leftside. She had a light blue coat with a tight fitting grey shirt on underneath it.

Two girls seemed to be hanging onto the turret. One was a girl with curly black hair done in ringlets. She had brown eyes, was wearing a black corset dress with a grey front and purple laces in the back.

The other girl was a dark haired blonde with violet eyes. She seemed to have armor on her left arm and front of her neck as it looked like she had scales. She was wearing a green robe with a chain going across her body.

"Is that NDGO?" a student from Shade Academy said.

"I think it is!" another Shade student said.

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