Chapter 27: Combat Class Part 3

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Weiss was not expecting a slaughter. Granted hand to hand combat was not her strong suit, but against someone with a mind like… Caboose, she figured it would be easy to defeat him, even with his strength. She thought that he would lighten his punches a little, not only because she was a student but because she was a girl. While most of the guys said they always gave it their all, some of the girls notice they hold back, not a lot, but a little when fighting females. She was hoping Caboose had a somewhat similar view. Boy was she wrong.

Caboose punched her in the gut and then grabbed her by the shoulders. He then starts to twirl while tightening his grip on her causing her feet to fly up. He then releases her shoulders causing her to smash into the wall. She barely opened her eyes from the previous attack before she felt his shoulder slam into her. She falls slightly but is then grabbed by the throat. Caboose then throws her back into the middle of the arena.

Meanwhile everyone just watched in the stands the manhandling Caboose is giving Weiss. The soft, gentle and kind Caboose, is beating Weiss Schnee to a pulp. Literally. She already had a black eye, and a couple of bruises and cuts all over her. And it was only two minutes into the fight.

"Oh my god…" Was all Neptune could say.

"And I thought I was strong…" Nora added.

Weiss stands up and gets back in a defensive position. Caboose yells and charges at her. She rolls out of the way before he could hit her. She grew smirk at her dodge, but it was gone immediately as Caboose was able to sop himself right as he passed Weiss and grab her again. Caboose grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled back his arm and repeatedly punched her. He then grabbed her head and then brought it to his knee, causing a sharp pain.

She staggers back but readies her fists again. "Remember what Washington told Ruby: Use your opponent's momentum against them," She thought. Caboose menacingly approached Weiss. Weiss responded with the "come get me" motion with her fingers.

Caboose charged at her again and pulled a fist back to punch her with. He swung and Weiss saw her chance. When Caboose threw the punch Weiss dodged it and grabbed his arm, surprising him. She then turned and threw him to the ground with very little effort. It wasn't over the shoulder, but the sudden increase in speed surprised Caboose, causing him to crash.

Weiss then kneeled down by him and punched in the face repeatedly. After about the fifth punch she stopped to see the damage she had done. It was nonexistent and Caboose gained an evil grin. Weiss had a panicked look on her face as Caboose grabbed her neck. He slowly brought himself to his feet and lifted her in the air.

Weiss was struggling to get out of Caboose's hold. Caboose tightens his grip around her neck causing her to start seeing stars. She then felt her foot on his chest and had an idea. She pulled her leg back and then swung it hard against his neck.

Caboose coughs, lets go of her, and grabs his neck. He coughs up a lot of spit and looks up at Weiss only to receive another heel to the face. He sprung back up and growled. Weiss responded by putting on a defensive position.

Caboose slowly approaches her this time with a fighting stance, learning from his mistake. When they are in range, Weiss surprised him by throwing the first punch. She tried to uppercut him in the gut, which she did, and then followed up with a jab to the face. She then kicks him in the side. Caboose takes a step back clutching his side. He growls and charges in for a punch.

Weiss prepares to dodge however to her surprise Caboose stopped halfway before even reaching her. it wasn't until she felt the kick in her back that she realized that he feinted her. The kick carried so much force that she was thrown to the wall again. A couple pieces of rubble crumble down as she hit it. She regains her composure but gasps for air.

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