Chapter 24: Another Soldier?

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So," Washington said. "Before we start class any questions?" Ruby raised her hand and Washington points to her. "Yes, Ruby?"

"Where is your guy's armor?" She asked. The soldiers look at each other a shrug, but they all had all smiles on their face.

"What do you mean?" tucker asked.

"Yeah," Simmons said. "We're wearing them right now." The hunters in training look at each other with confused looks.

"Here, we'll show you," Washington said. "Jaune, can you come here please?" Jaune nods his head and walks over to Washington. "Take out your sword and swing at me."

"Uh…" Jaune muttered out. Washington did the come-get-me motion.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt." Jaune shrugs and takes out his sword.

"Ready?" Washington nods his head. "Okay, here it goes." Jaune swings his sword behind him gets a small running start and then does an overhead swing onto Washington.

Washington presses a small button on a device that was attached to his upper bicep and puts his arm up. The clang of two metal objects striking each other rang across the arena. Jaune closed his eyes halfway through his attack in case he accidently hit Washington. He opens one of his eyes and notices the familiar black armor with yellow trim of Washington's armor. However he looks closer and realizes it is only his arm that has the armor.

The students around them looked with shocked expressions. Jaune sheaths his sword. Washington then presses the button on his upper bicep and the armor starts to coil up and slides into itself until it is barely seen, tucked into the pocket of Washington's mechanism.

There is a moment of silence, and then one of the biggest squeals ever heard on the face of the planet. There is a blur of red followed by Rose petals across a couple of people's faces until Washington is met face to face with the youngest student in beacon.

"Washingtonhowdidyoumakethatit'ssocoolIwishicouldhaveonejustlikeit!" Ruby said hopping up and down. Yang grabs her younger sister's cape causing the reaper to stop mid-sentence. "Hrk, Bleargh." Ruby said as she slumped down from her cape choking her.

"Is she calmed down?" Carolina asked. Ruby stands back up and dusts herself off.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ruby said. She gleams towards the soldiers. "It's just so cool how you guys made your armor do that!"

"Yeah, we even did it so each limb has its own personal mechanism," Tucker said. He presses the button on his chest and his entire chest armor starts going out. The aqua colored armor only covered his torso area while his legs and arms remained unarmored. The students give impressed nods.

"All right then, now that that's out of the way," Washington said. "Any other questions?"

"What's under the tarp?" Weiss asked pointing to the blue tarp.

"I am glad you asked Weiss!" Sarge said proudly. He begins to walk over to said tarp as he continued to talk. "I stayed up a lot of nights to finish him, and I only just got him here last class."

"Not even we know what's under there," Simons said.

"Honestly unless it's a pizza oven or some kind of bed, I don't really care what it is," Grif said.

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