Chapter 21: Medical Class

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With Doc and Donut, Medical class:

The practice arena had a lot of students in it, Jaune Arc being one of them. He argued with Pyrrha about it but they essentially agreed that one of the team should attend this and he said he should since he was leader.

As the students discussed what this was, Donut and Doc took a head count. "Sixty students," Donut said. "Honestly this is pretty good."

"Yeah I didn't expect this many to show up," Doc said. "Shall we begin Donut?"

"I will gladly Doc."

"Okay!" Doc raised his voice. "Everyone settle down!" It appeared as no one heard him or at least pretended to not hear him. "Can we all please quiet down?" again, no one listens.

"SILENCE YOU INSUFFEREABLE BRATS!" O'Malley said. At the sound of O'Malley shouting everyone took a seat and became silent. Doc clears his throat.

"Okay then," Doc started. "If you have no idea why you're here or what we're learning, I'll explain. As you all know, Aura can not only be used defensively and offensively, it can also be used to help heal minor wounds. However, who here knows what to do if your aura stops working and you have to heal a laceration or set a bone in place?"

Nobody raises their hand. "I see," Doc continued. "Well, now you are learning that today." A student raises her hand. She had bull horns on her forehead with jet black hair. "Yes?" Doc said pointing towards her.

"Why do we need this? Can't aura just heal everything up for us?" She asked.

"It can," Donut said. "But depending on the wound it can take a while, and if you're being chased by grimm you want to get yourself fixed up and then continue with the mission. With aura it can take up to hours depending on the severity of the wound, meanwhile what you learn here can be done in a few minutes."

The rest of the class could see where they were coming from. With no further questions the class continued.

"All right," Doc said. "Right now we will focus on cuts, and, worst case scenario, a laceration. Who here has ever gotten so cut they needed stitches?" A couple of students raise their hands. "That's a laceration. If that happens to you in the field, you better find a way to get that fixed up quickly, any other cuts, just wash the wound and bandage it.

"Lacerations are different. Depending on the severity, you could have to take time to clean the infection from it or fix it before an infection. For both, you will need antiseptic. Aside from the medicinal kind from the infirmary here and in hospitals, what else can be used for antiseptic?"

A student raises her hand and Doc points to her. "Saline," She said.

"Correct. Saline is basically salt water. However it isn't like sea salt water. Who knows why?"

Another student raises his hand and Doc points at him. "Saline is sterile, in order to use dirty water you need to boil it."

"Ding ding!" Donut said.

"Right," Doc said. "But that's only if you don't have anti biotics or anti septics. Once you know the wound is clean or at the very least cleaning the infection, you can either bandage or sew it up if necessary and let your aura do it's magic, or leave it open and make sure you got rid of the infection. Just because you have aura doesn't mean you can't get sick or have the arm get infected."

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