Chapter 3: The First Fight

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Ruby is woken up by a party sound and confetti falling on her face. She looks up and sees the barrel of a gun pointing at her face. "Ahhh!" She screams as she falls to the floor.


"Owwww…" Ruby says rubbing her head.

"See, I told you it would work!" She hears Caboose say.

"I forgot Dr. Grey added that in Freckles." Donut says. Ruby looks up and sees her friends and the soldiers talking.

"Looks like I owe you ten bucks Yang." Blake says.

"Ten bucks for what?" Ruby says as she gets up. Yang looks at Blake, then back at her sister, then towards the ceiling whistling.

"Oh, they bet money to see if Caboose shot you if you would wake up or be sent to the hospital." Tucker says casually. Ruby's jaw dropped. She then looks at her sister with fire in her eyes.

"You betted money for him to shoot me?!" Ruby yells.

Yang shrugs. "When you say it like that it sounds dumb." She says causally.

"That's because it is!" Ruby yells.

"Well you were never in any real harm." Washington says.

"What do you mean?" Ruby says. She gets up and dusts herself off.

"You've all spent enough time with Caboose to realize how… well stupid he is, correct?" Tucker says. The girls nod. "Well, we decided to give Freckles, the AI in Caboose's gun, full control. So now whenever the trigger is pulled confetti pops out and makes a party noise."

"And I bet that you'd be fine sis!" Yang says with a confident smile. Ruby sighs and smiles. She then turns to Blake.

"Wait, you were betting against me!?" Ruby yells.

"Not for you to go to the hospital!" Blake defends. "Just that there would be real gun shots so your Aura would kick in." Blake says quietly. Ruby stares at Blake and Blake feels guilty.

"Besides," a robotic voice says. The girls look around to hear who it is. "I wouldn't have fired. You are not a hostile target." They realize it is Caboose's gun.

"Oh my God! A gun that talks!" Ruby says. She takes the gun from Caboose and cradles it like a child. "It's like in my dreams." She says quietly. Caboose takes it back and she starts to pout.

"No, don't do that." Caboose says. "He is my Freckles." Ruby continues to pout and then grabs her uniform. She goes to the bathroom and gets dressed. When she comes out she sees Yang and Washington having an arm wrestling competition. Both of them seem to be struggling. However Yang has a little leverage.

"Come on Yang!" Weiss screams.

"Are you seriously losing Washington?!" Tucker says in disbelief. Wash lets out a loud grunt and Yang's hand is slowly moving towards the table.

"Try harder Wash!" Yang yells and she is able to fight back. Right now they are neck and neck. Eventually Yang wins. She celebrates her win. Tucker and Donut let out a disappointed sigh. Caboose however yells.

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