Chapter 12 S&W Vs T&G

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Tucker was messing around with his sword and making swishing noises with it. Meanwhile Grif just sighed and looked over to his friends who were at the sidelines. "Why am I doing everything today?!" he complained.

"Because you've done nothing for your entire life!" Sarge yelled.

"Just suck it up Grif," Tucker said. "You'll probably get out in ten seconds." Grif turns to Tucker and points threatenly.

"Like you would last longer?" He said. Tucker points the sword in Grif's face.

"Swish swish stab dude." Tucker turns towards Weiss and Sun and gets in his fighting stance. Grif just clicks his tongue and turns to them as well.

Meanwhile Sun and Weiss were arguing. "Why did you raise your hand?" Weiss asked ferociously.

"I don't know?" Sun said sarcastically. "Maybe because I wanted to spar?"

"We don't know how to work together!"

"And we never will if we don't try!" The two kept bickering with each other, much to the soldiers, and even some of the students, displeasure.

"Can it both of you!" Carolina yelled into a speaker. The hunters covered their ears. There were no speakers installed into the arena at the time so they had no idea where it came from.

"What the heck?" Weiss said. "Where'd you put a speaker?"

"In my helmet. It's in all of ours."

"Really?" Sun said with a little bit of interest.

"Oh shit yeah I forgot it did!" Tucker said. He messes with his helmet to try to find the speaker option. Meanwhile Carolina explained what was going to happen.

"All right a two versus two sparring match between Hunters in training Sun and Weiss, versus soldiers Grif and Tucker." She would continue but Tucker found the option for speaker mode.

"Testing," Tucker said. "I forgot we had this!"

"Tucker!" Carolina yelled. "Speaker off. Now!"

"All right all right!" He turns off speaker mod and Carolina begins explaining again.

"You will fight until Aura hits the red zone or someone says they give up. Anything is allowed just don't kill each other. Timer is ten minutes. Weiss and Sun ready?" Weiss rolls her eyes and grips her rapier and gets in her stance. Sun puts together his staff and rests it on his soldier with a cocky smile.

"Grif and Tucker ready?" Tucker swishes his sword around and Grif grunts and takes out his battle rifle and reloads it.

"Set!" Carolina said. Everyone tenses up. "BEGIN!"

Weiss slams her rapier in the ground which creates a giant yellow clock glyph with her and Sun in it. Grif and Tucker look at each other confused. Sun charges at them and holds his staff like a baseball bat. Grif sees this and yells "Oh crap!" as he ducks down.

Tucker looks at Sun and notices the giant red pole coming his way. "Oh fu―" Tucker is launched from getting hit in the helmet with the pole. Grif pops back up and saw Sun fighting Tucker. He sighs and turns around only to be greeted with Weiss trying to stab him. He lets out a yelp as he tried to dodge her stabs but due to her being fast she hit him every time.

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