Chapter 9: Confronting Blake

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When Ozpin and Donut entered the cafeteria, they were both surprised to see Doc beating up Tucker. Of course they didn't do anything. They just stared in awe with the rest of them. "Okay I think we should stop him," Jaune says.

"Please stay away!" Doc's voice says. He stopped punching Tucker as he faced Jaune.

"No please join!" O'Malley's voice said. "I've always wondered what it was like to punch someone in the face with no armor on." Jaune gulps and steps away.

"I'm free to go right?" Tucker says as he tries to struggle out of Doc's grip.

"Never!" He punches Tucker again. "Take that!"


"And this!"


"And some of these!"


"And call my other personality in the morning." As Doc continued to punch Tucker Ozpin walks over to the other soldiers.

"Are you sure he's a medic?" He asked them.

"Yep," Caboose answered. "And a Pacifier."

"Pacifist," Simmons corrected. Ozpin looks at the purple medic. He looks back at the Reds and Blues with an eyebrow lifted up.

"Well," Caboose said. "Sometimes he goes a little crazy and calls himself O'Malley and tries to destroy the world. It's kind of an inside joke." When Caboose started to explain Ozpin then remembered Doc and O'Malley when Washington told Ozpin and Glynda their story.

"So this is Doc…" Ozpin thought to himself.

"I'M DYING!" Tucker yelled. Carolina takes out her pistol.

"Quit being such a baby," She said. She walks up to Doc and pistol whips him.

"Ow the back of my head," O'Malley said. Tucker gets up and dusts himself off.

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Tucker whined.

"Ah suck it up," Carolina said. Wash walks over to the table and puts on his helmet again. He then walks over to Doc and picks him up in a fireman carry.

"I'm assuming you want to have a talk about this in your office?" Carolina said. Ozpin nods. "All right guys, let's go." The Reds and Blues sigh and start walking with Ozpin to his office. Meanwhile JNPR and RWBY are still trying to wrap their head around what happened.

"We have another Soldier?" Ruby questioned.

"It appears to be so," Weiss says.

"Cool, another idiot to have fun with," Yang said with an evil smile. The past few days Yang would not only annoy them with her puns but she would pull pranks on the reds and blues as well. And since most of them were idiots they were easy prey.

"We shouldn't waste our time with them," Blake said darkly.

"Come on Blake," Yang said. "Join in in their stupidity. It's what makes life worth living." Ruby would often join Yang in the pranks and while Weiss would call them childish, she still joined in. Blake however, never did. She just walked away and went to read or something.

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