Chapter 6: Back At Chorus

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On Chorus, Armonia:

With the deaths of Reds and Blues, one would think moral here would sink. But that is not the case. In fact, Moral has probably risen. Granted most of the Feds and New Republic still hate each other's guts, but others are trying their best to compromise. Doyle and Kimball still fight a lot, but when a mission needs to get done, they stop to make sure it goes smoothly.

It's been about four days since the assumed deaths of the Reds and Blues. In that time they managed to do six missions, half of which seemed like suicide missions, with two of them resulting as so. But despite their attempts, they still don't have any leverage over the Space Pirates. That's when some of the soldiers decided to tell the two leaders, "What would the Reds and Blues do?"

"I'm telling you they would stay put and try to conserve resources!" Kimball yells at Doyle.

"And I am telling you that they would find a way to get more resources instead of waiting around!" Doyle retorts.

"But they would have a plan to get said resources!"

"Actually they wouldn't" a voice says. The two leaders turn and see Smith standing in the room with them. "I'm pretty sure the only people who would have a plan are Washington and Carolina."

"Smith," Kimball says. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Smith starts. "Some of the NR and Feds were discussing some things and…" Smith looked a little nervous. "We tried thinking like the Reds and Blues."

Kimball and Doyle are silent, giving Smith a blank stare. At least that's what he thought since he couldn't see their faces. "So you…" Doyle started. "Tried to think like them?" Smith nodded. "And?"

Smith said "We think that they would check out the temples."

"The alien temples?" Kimball asks. Smith nods his head. "Why would they go there? They do nothing."

"Actually," Doyle says. "It is true that they do nothing, to us at least. We are used to the temples, but they wouldn't be. Not to mention Charon has been studying them as well. It would be safe to assume they would at least check it out." Kimball tried to protest but she knew they were right. She sighed.

"All right, we'll check out one of the temples," Kimball determined. "But which one?"

"Why don't we start with the nearest one?" Smith proposed. "I highly doubt there would be that much resistance."

Doyle shakes his head and says "No I say we find one away from Armonia." Kimball looks at him as if he was insane. "I'd rather not have one near hear because if we fail, what if they take it as an excuse to attack Armonia?"

"And what if we used resources to go for more resources and failed?" Kimbal starts. "Wouldn't they also think that was a chance to attack?"

"Are you seriously starting this again?" Doyle argues. The two leaders keep yelling at each other and Smith takes his leave. As he left the office Palomo was waiting for him.

"So did we get the green light?" He asked.

"As much as we ever are," Smith stated. "Question is who are we going to bring? I don't think we have enough resources for a full blown attack." Palomo and Smith walked around the main base in Armonia as they talked. That's when they found one of the Feds they started to befriend.

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