Chapter 7: Back at Chorus 2

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Alien Temple, fifty miles away from Armonia:

"Hey," Leo said.

"Yeah?" His friend and comrade, Nick responded.

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Leo asked. They were to guard the Alien temple from the New Republic and Federation soldiers. So the two friends were on guard duty.

"No," Nick flatly said. "Because the last time someone wondered about Felix's orders, he got shot."

"That's true," Leo said. "Still I'm just glad I'm not in a prison cell anymore."

"Leo, Nick," a voice on the radio comes in.

"Yeah what is it Murphy?" Leo says.

"When you two are done jerking each other off," Murphy says. The two friends look at each other as he said that. "I need you to check on Arron."

"What's wrong with Arron?" Nick asked.

"He hasn't reported in," Murphy said. "And no one has seen him on the mongoose in a while. Just check around his patrol route."

"I'm sure he's just taking a piss," Leo said. "Or crapping I don't know."

"Well get on it," Murphy said. "And when you see him smack in the side of the head for me."

"Yeah we're on it Murph," Nick said. They both sigh. Leo points his head in a direction.

"Shall we?" he asked. Nick nodded his head. They start walking the patrol route.

Ten minutes:

"We really should have gotten another mongoose," Nick complained.

"It's your fault for being out of shape," Leo jokes.

"I've been in a prison in space for five years what do you expect?" Nick said as he looked around he then noticed something in the forest. "Hey Leo!"

Leo looked at Nick. Nick was pointing and saw what he was looking at. "Is that?" Leo questioned. They both go up to the object. They move the leaves and twigs out of the way. "Why is Arron's Mongoose here?"

"The better question is," Nick started. "Where is Arron?" The two pirates look at each other and then point their guns in the forest. They slowly enter.

As they move deeper in the forest they start to notice the the woods were somewhat disturbed. Like something was being dragged. And they find it. It was Arron. He was dragged into the middle of the forest. And his helmet is missing.

"Murphy, come in!" Nick said. Static. "Murphy, don't fuck with us now we have a problem!" Again static.

"Shit," Leo said. "All right let's just grab Arron's mongoose and drive to the temple again." The two friends go back to the mongoose and drag it out of the forest. Leo gets on and starts it up. Nick hops on the back. And then they hear beeping. They get off and look at the bumper of the Mongoose. And they see the C4.

"Oh son of bitch!" They both scream. And then the C4 went off.

Feds and Republic POV, fifteen minutes earlier:
Alicia looked in her scope. "Mongoose heading to your position Jensen," She said.

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