Chapter 30: The Final Straw

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The people in this class were mostly students from the other schools. Team FNKI was in the class, along with team BRNZ. CFVY would also be in this class, if it wasn't for the fact they were still on a they gave the whol espiel about why they hit Cardin and Weiss, they continued class.

As they did though, Flynt leaned in next to his team and whispered. "Yo guys. You trust these guys?"

"Well… They are Atlas soldier right?" Kathy said. Kathy was a female human with pale skin. She had hair that stopped just below her shoulders that was a dark blue and red. She wore a black snapback and wore a dark green shirt that said "Give yourself to the rhythm" in a yellowish text. She wore blue dancing shorts and red sneakers.

"Can we be sure about that?" Neon said. The faunus looked over to Kathy and shrugged. "I mean, we haven't seen them anywhere around Atlas?"

"Come on guys," Eric said. Eric was a deer faunus with jet black hair, with the last name Izer. He had antlers, and was more professionally dressed compared to his other teammates. He had a white t-shirt on with a charcoal unbuttoned button up over it. He wore black dress pants and black dress shoes. He had rectangular glasses on. "I mean, Atlas has to keep some secrets right?"

"Ahem," Carolina cleared her throat. Team FNKI looked to the center of the arena to see Carolina looking at them with her arms crossed. "Team FNKI, would one of you like to volunteer for the first match? Obviously if you were talking you'd feel like you don't need training."

The class all ooo'd at the challenge. Neon gets up and hops over the railing. "Yeah I'll do it!" Neon said as she landed.

"Very well." Carolina played with her tablet scroll. "You will be facing…" after she got done tapping, she waited for a moment and then looked back up at Neon. "Sarge."

Sarge heard his name and got up from the bleachers. He grabbed his shotgun and hopped down in the arena. He lands with a grunt and both him and Neon head to the middle of the arena.

"Miss Katt," Sarge said. Neon does a little Salute but then crosses her arms and gets a smug look on her face.

"Let's see what wins," She taunted. "My funkiness or your boring old strict soldier-ness."

"Nice try," Sarge said. "But you ain't getting under my skin like you did with Doc."

A few days earlier Doc and Neon got into a bit of an argument over something stupid that nearly ended up her getting sent to the infirmary because she brought out O'Malley. Luckily Doc was still in control and just left before it got ugly.

Anyway, Carolina brought both of their names and aura bars up on the screen, and she began walking to the bleachers. "All right, match begins in ten seconds." She climbs the stairs and reaches the railing. "Begin!"

Neon takes out her nunchucks and begins skating around Sarge. "Come on old man!" she yelled. "Let's see what you got!"

Sarge grunts and cocks his shotgun. As he aims at Neon she charged at him. This caught Sarge by surprise and he dived out of the way and blindly fired the gun. None of the bullets hit Neon and she sticks her tongue out at Sarge. He growls and gets back up and cocks the shotgun again.

He fires at Neon but she dodged it by cartwheeling out of the way. She giggles as she dodged the gun fire. Sarge kept trying to unload rounds into her but she kept dodging with ease. He runs out of ammo and he looks at his gun.

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