Chapter 5: Messing Around

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"My name's Qrow." The voice said. It had a robotic voice obviously to disguise it. Like Hargrove did with Felix and Locus. "I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to talk to you guys."

"Why is that?" Carolina asks.

"I just wanted to ask some questions." Qrow says. The two soldiers look at each other. They both nod their heads.

"Very well, what are they?" Washington asks.

"Why should we trust you?" Qrow asks.

"If we wanted to hurt you guys, don't you think we would've by now?" Washington asks.

"Well no, for all we know you could be playing us." Qrow says. Carolina then retaliates.

"I know you guys are being cautious, but think, we know nothing about the history of this place. We had to make Ozpin explain and give us our Aura. Don't you think we would know about aura and not have to ask or download files from Ozpin's computer if we were part of Ironwoods soldiers?"

"Wait you downloaded files from Ozpin's computers?" The robotic voice says.

"Relax Qrow, I let them." Ozpin says. Qrow is silent. Then they hear a sigh.

"All right, if Ozpin is okay with you, I am too." Qrow says. "Just don't take his kindness for granted."

"We won't." Washington says.

"All right. Oz I got to go, I'll be in touch." Qrow says and with that the screen disappeared. Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee. Just then the bell rung and that signified the next class.

"I know it must be tiring to be hearing the same thing over again," Ozpin states. "But I am just being cautious." The two soldiers nod their heads. "You may now continue your day." Carolina turns to the elevator.

"Goodbye Ozpin." Washington says to be friendly. He turns and enters the elevator with Carolina. They press a button to go to the main floor. As the elevator whirs down Carolina lets out an annoyed grunt.

"This is getting annoying." Carolina says. "It's just the same tune with them. 'We won't trust you nor will we ever.'"

"Carolina you can't blame them," Washington says. "Imagine how we would feel if we saw people with weird looking armor saying there from another dimension." Wash says trying to reason with her.

"Washington's right Carolina." Epsilon says as he appears. "Until we find a way out of here by ourselves, we need to trust these people. And try to make them trust us." Carolina lets out another grunt.

"Well no one said it would be easy," Washington says. "Especially with our friends." The elevator reaches the main floor and opens. They step out and start to return to the dorms. "Speaking of which, what do you think they're doing?"

"Probably something stupid," Epsilon says.

With Grif Simmons and Sarge:

"Sarge, this is the dumbest idea I have ever heard," Grif complains.

"Shut up Grif. We got nothing better to do," Sarge says.

"Well, we could research the history of this dimension. Or we could learn how to fight the Grimm, but I think you chose a wisely sir!" Simmons says.

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