Chapter 18: The Day After Part two

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Qrow is silent to Ozpin's request. "Oz," he starts. "I can only look around so much."

"I know," Ozpin said. "But try if you can. I promised to help them. They kept word and I'm keeping mind."

"All right Oz. I'll be in touch." The screen disappears as both of them hang up. Ozpin takes a deep breath. The worst part about all of this? The waiting. He never knows what Qrow will find, if he finds something, or if the enemies find out more about them. The waiting is torture. Waiting… you never know what to expect.

With Washington and Doc:

Washington fell to his knees coughing up blood. Cuts were everywhere due to him stabbing and cutting himself. The blood drips down into his hands as he cover his mouth to cough. He hovers his other hand over it. He then moves his hand upward controlling a little stream of blood. However he coughs again with a lot more blood coming out.

Doc runs up to him with some bandages and ointment. Luckily Wash wasn't doing this with his armor on. After giving Wash some pain killers and bandaging him, Wash seemed to be slowly getting better.

Washington's breathing slowly turns back to normal, his wounds disappearing. After another minute or two, Washington slowly sits up. He rests his elbows on his knees as he grabs hi head. "You need to be more careful," Doc said.

"Why would I need that when I got you?" Washington said trying to lighten the mood. He coughs harshly again.

"Washington I can only do so much with such limited supplies."

"Although I will admit," O'Malley said taking over. "Watching you cut and stab yourself is mildly amusing."

"Yeah yeah," Washington said waving him off. Washington spits to check if he still has blood saliva. Clear spit, so he's good. Doc helps him up and Washington rolls his arms and legs around.

"I think we should take a break for today Wash," Doc said.

"Yeah, maybe. Look thanks for helping me out with this."

"Any time Wash!" Doc said. "Just do actually take it easy for a while. Like I said I have limited supplies here. Everyone relies on their aura." Washington nods.

"Yeah I noticed." He walks over to his armor. "Maybe it's about time they know that aura can't protect you forever."

"Right how are you going to do that?" O'Malley asked sarcastically. "Have them all waste their aura by punching each other repeatedly? Oh, maybe you're actually wrong about your semblance and you can steal other people aura!"

"Nope, I'm going to dislocate someone's shoulder," Washington nonchalantly said.

"Oh… Isn't that kind of… harsh?" Doc asked.

"Maybe," Washington started putting on his armor. "But too many students here rush head first without thinking of the consequences. Aura may block most of the damage and may heal to a certain degree, but in the battlefield that won't mean anything if it runs out or someone is able to damage you internally."

"That is true." Doc looks to the sky and thinks. "Say Wash, should I have a medic class for the students?"

Washington puts on his helmet and turns toward the purple medic. "I'd actually encourage it if not for your… condition."

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