Chapter 31

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Kirishima gives a battle cry, knocking the last thug out in the building. Everyone pants beside him, all of them slightly bruised and out of breath. Hoshiko wipes the sweat off her forehead, looking at all the bodies around her, each thug knocked out cold from her and Kirishima's punches, as well as Katsuki's explosions doing damage.

"Think that's the last of these guys," Katsuki pants, "Buncha weaklings."

Hoshiko pats her hands onto her clothes, turning around to face Katsuki and Kirishima.

"All right. Let's hurry and find the rest of our class. If we're both still in the USJ, then everyone else probably is, too" Kirishima tells.

"Not all of them have the offensive skills we do," Hoshiko adds on, sighing, "We gotta make sure they're safe. Especially since you two screwed it all up when you two go in the way."

Kirishima pouts, shaking his head in agreement, "If Thirteen had been able to suck up that villain, then we never would've been separated like that. We have to make it up to the others!"

Both Kirishima and Hoshiko look over to Katsuki, waiting for his response.

Katsuki tches, "You wanna track everyone down, have fun. But I'm gonna go destroy that warpy bastard."

Hoshiko hums in confusion, "Your physical attacks didn't hurt that guy. Don't be an idiot-"

"Shut up!" Katuski interrupts Hoshiko, turning to face her dead on.

Both teenagers stand in front of each other closely, Hoshiko not intending on backing down, despite her sub-conscience telling her to. Believe it or not, when Hoshiko would catch small heats of his explosions when they fought in the same room, even the heatwaves sting Hoshiko's forearms. His Quirk was unlike any other, as it can be used easily for villainy. But, seeing Katsuki's drive when injuring the goons, and remembering how confident he was growing up to be the number one hero, Hoshiko knows deep down, that Katsuki won't succumb to the possibilities his Quirk can give.

She stares up at him, his height nearly towering over hers by a couple of inches, her jade green eyes piercing into his ruby red. She can see the anger radiating from his eyes, his short-tempered expressed. Kirishima tries to calm the situation down, resting his hand on Hoshiko's shoulder, knowing if he tried to put his hand on Katsuki, the spiky blonde could have blown it off.

"I'm gonna take him down because he's their way in and out" Katsuki continues to shout, his gaze switching from both Hoshiko and Kirishima, "If I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done. We'll just have to figure it out."

"I get that, but still, don't you think it's a little- Kacchan, behind you!"

If only Hoshiko wasn't so concerned about how Katsuki loomed over her, she would have noticed the small movement behind Katsuki, advancing towards said blonde. She manages to catch a glimpse of the arm around him visibly stir, realizing what was going to happen. Thinking Katuski was still deciphering her warning, Hoshiko reaches out with her right hand, her only way of managing to get a grip on the invisible goon, the intention to teleport the two away from Katsuki, letting her strike the goon with the finishing blow. As soon as she reaches out, Katsuki slams his left hand onto the goons head, his guard still intact. Medium size explosions radiate off of Katsuki's hand, causing the goon to scream in pain. Hoshiko gasped at the sudden movement, Kirishima managing to grab both her shoulders to pull her just enough back that the blonde's explosions won't crossfire over to the two.

Katsuki growls, raising his hand, showing the fully exposed villain, adjourned with burn marks and bruises all over their face, the explosions knocking him unconscious.

"Anyway," Katsuki speaks, "If all these villains are small fries like these guys were, then our classmates can handle 'em."

"That reaction time was insane!" Kirishima gushes, letting go of Hoshiko's shoulders, "Also.. since when do you act so calm and rational? Usually, you're all like "Die! Die! Die!""

Hearing Kirishima questions Katsuki's mood triggers a laugh from Hoshiko. She tries to hold it in, but fails miserably, giving a light-hearted giggle to his impression.

"I'm always calm and rational you red-haired loser!" Katsuki snarls, dropping the goon from his grasp.

As soon as Hoshiko begins to giggle, she immediately stops, seeing Katsuki start to walk away.

"Go find the others if you want to."

"Wait, hold up!" Kirishima speaks up, stopping Katsuki.

Hoshiko and Katsuki stare at the redhead, who gives a knowing lopsided smile.

"I think what you're really saying is that you believe in our classmates. And that's thinkin' like a man, Bakugo. I know if all three of us stick together, then we will be able to kick that warp guy's butt!"

Hoshiko and Katsuki glance at each other, processing Kirishima's words on sticking together. Hoshiko grunts, before nodding at the blonde, despite her inner turmoil, telling her to go save the other classmates first.

"I'm ready when you two are" Hoshiko tells.

Katsuki grunts, before walking out of the room, the two teenagers following behind him.

"Oi," Katsuki calls out to Hoshiko, "Teleport us to the main square."

Blinking, Hoshiko rests her hands on her hips, "I can't teleport both of you, my Quirk can only do one person at a time."

Kirishima gasps, "But, I thought you can teleport multiple people like your father did."

Hoshiko sighs, "My Quirk is a lot different. I can only teleport one person at a time. If I try to do two, chances are likely my body will either try to rip itself in half, or break the majority of my bones and possibly make me unable to teleport ever again. I can't teleport for a long time, my main style is for close range. It all depends on how far away the target is."

Hoshiko looks over at Kirishima and Katsuki, who turned around to fully listen to Hoshiko's explanation of her Quirk, his inner curiosity getting the best of him, "Back when I saved Kacchan at the Test Location, the distance was over 12 meters, my limit is usually around 23. When I have another person to teleport, that limit is cut in half, making me teleport more. By the time I teleport someone with me to where my limit would usually be, my energy will be drained, making me incapacitated. The best bet in order to get over to the main square is Katsuki will go on ahead of us, while I take Kirishima with me. It's faster than just running."

Kirishima nods, giving a toothy grin, "Sounds like a plan!"

Katsuki grunts, preparing to take off, "Don't wait up, by the time you get there I would have already saved everyone."

Before Hoshiko can retort, Katsuki blasts himself away, using his explosions to keep himself propelled in the air, making his way out of the collapsed enclosure. Hoshiko and Kirishima stand in silence, before Kirishima claps his hands, facing Hoshiko.

"So, where do you want me to place my hands? I know you need to have physical contact with me, I don't want to exceed any limits" Kirishima asks.

Hoshiko gives a small smile, "You can grab my hand, we're gonna be running while I teleport, just no matter what, keep running and try not to stumble, I'll make sure to stay on even ground."

Kirishima nods, preparing himself to run. Hoshiko tilts her head, exhaling a large breath. She reaches her left hand out, feeling Kirishima take it in his right. Ignoring the feeling of a boy holding her hand, Hoshiko nods, before breaking into a run. Kirishima follows closely behind, making sure to stay in step with the purplette.

"Remember to keep running!" Hoshiko reminds Kirishima, who gives a huff of acknowledge.

She trains her eyes on two dozen steps in front of her, and with a gush of wind, she teleports herself and Kirishima 7 meters from their previous spot. Kirishima gasps out, nearly stumbling.

"Stay with me!" Hoshiko calls out to him, "This is gonna be a long run!"

With her words of encouragement, Kirishima balances out, nodding at her words.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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