Chapter 26

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Class is back in session. All of Class 1-A sits expectantly in their seats, staring at the front of the class, where Yaoyorozu and Izuku stand.

"It's time, class rep." Yaoyorozu speaks to Izuku, "Let's begin."

Hoshiko hides her smile, watching Izuku stumble with his words at the class podium, shaking more than a small sized dog.

"Um, okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be," Izuku manages to say, before looking downwards at the wooden podium, "But first, there's something that I wanna say. I've thought a lot about this. And I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep!"

Raising an eyebrow in surprisement, Hoshiko momentarily glances over to where Iida seats across the classroom, seeing his shocked expression. She looks behind Iida, seeing Uraraka, smiling widely over to Izuku. Hoshiko turns her head back, watching Izuku and Yaoyorozu intently.

"He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line." Izuku states briefly, smiling over at Iida, "So I believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on!"

Shortly after his small speech, a few students in the class warmed up to the new class rep position, trusting Izuku and his decision to make Iida class rep. By no time, Izuku and Iida switch positions, as Izuku resides back at his desk, Iida standing next to Yaoyorozu in front of the podium.

"If Midoriya is nominating me for this job..then I humbly accept," Iida announces, raising his right arm in the air, "I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

Despite her first impressions of Iida, Hoshiko grows warmed to the idea of Iida being rep. He is fit for the job anyway, carrying that authoritative spark in him. She didn't like him at first when he exposed her past life in front of the whole class on the first day of school, and him boasting about his perfect hero family life in front of her. She knows over time she will become better friends with the dark-blue haired male, but, for now, she'll just stick to tolerating him.


"I'm home!" Hoshiko hollers, stepping into her house.

Not hearing a response, Hoshiko sighs, closing the door behind her. Looks like she is the first one to get home. She takes off her school shoes, leaving them by the walkway of the door, before stepping further inside the 2 story home. Despite it being around 4 in the afternoon, the house was still well lit without any lights, casting the afternoon evening sunset in the sitting area and kitchen through the windows. Hoshiko walks into the kitchen, setting her bag on the table beside her, walking towards the fridge. Opening the fridge, Hoshiko scans the food inside.

"Vegetable, vegetable...." Hoshiko mumbles to herself, identifying each object in the fridge.

She hums, grabbing ahold of a small tangerine in the back corner of the fridge, walking away, closing the door. Effortlessly, she starts to unpeel the outer layer of the tangerine, before popping each piece into her mouth, humming in pleasure tasting the sweet and sour liquid from the fruit slices. Walking over to her bag, she slings it over her left shoulder, throwing out the tangerine pill in the trashcan on her way out into the open hallway. Looking at her newly furnished house, Hoshiko strolls around the area, taking a good look at new bookshelves and old photos placed on said shelves, with random books cast on each shelf side.

"I remember that one.." Hoshiko mumbles, looking at an old photo of herself.

The photo is encased in a badly purple painted frame, with her old kindergarten classroom photo. Everyone is dressed in a light blue poofy long sleeve shirt, with white accents sewed around the armholes. The photo was taken on a hot summer day, around the time spring break was only a few days away, this being their annual school photo for the yearbook. Hoshiko notices herself right away, finding her small form popping out compared to others. Despite looking at her younger self, Hoshiko can still see similarities. Her hair was still light and vibrant back then, tied into two pigtails- one on each side of her head. Her younger self was giving a bright smile to the camera, her smile almost bringing up the entire photo. Standing next to her was Izuku, being only a couple inches shorter than her at the time. She notices the young boy trying to give a nice smile, only for it to look strained and somewhat goofy at the end result. He still looks the same after a decade, his freckles more prominent than ever on his face now. Across the long row of students, about 6 students down from Hoshiko, stands Katsuki, being in the middle of the classroom row.

"Geez, you can see the ego in him from just the photo" Hoshiko notices, snickering slightly.

With his identical looks, Katsuki tries to make himself the star in the class photo, having his hands out in a fist to palm salute, giving a cocky smile to the camera. Looking closer at the younger Katsuki, Hoshiko can visibly see his red eyes boring into the camera, accidentally sending shivers down her spine, remembering the altercation the two had earlier in the day.

"He doesn't even care about you, Shiko" Hoshiko mumbles to herself, "He doesn't like anyone. He only cares about being the #1 hero, from what he says."

She remembers the altercation he had with Izuku yesterday afternoon, before snorting, "Imagine Deku being the #1 hero instead of him."

Shaking her head, giving a laugh, she walks herself up into her room, leaving the door open behind her. Throwing her bag on her desk chair, Hoshiko throws herself up on her bed, basking in the comfort of the sheets around her.

"I'm sure a nap wouldn't hurt" Hoshiko mumbles, "At least, till mom finds me and yells at me for not working."

She falls into a quiet slumber afterward, grabbing ahold of a nearby pillow, subconsciously holding it against her chest as the sun starts to set at her window, casting a golden color in her dull room.

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