Chapter 24

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It was all calm before the storm, as everyone starts to volunteer themselves to be the next class representative. Despite not wanting to be in the limelight, Hoshiko finds herself growing interested in being a representative. It was so interesting, that over three-fourths of the class volunteer themselves, from Mina to Aoyama.

"Silence, everyone, please!" Iida loud voice booms in the class, silencing everyone. Everyone looks over at the blue-haired boy, seeing him standing perfectly still and straight. Hoshiko looks over at him from her seat, tilting her head at his sudden loudness.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically," Iida explains briefly, "We will hold an election to choose our leader!"

Everyone grows curious about the idea of voting, many people like Asui commentating on how not everyone has known each other for long.

"Huh, a vote," Hoshiko thinks to herself, "everyone would vote for themselves."

She hears Mr. Aizawa mumble something to Iida before the voting began to take place. Everyone was handed a piece of paper, being told to write whoever they want to be voted for Class Representative. Hoshiko sits with her paper, staring at it, while everyone else begins to frantically write a name down on the small piece, many people nearly writing the name at the speed of light.

"Do I really want to be a Class Rep?" Hoshiko mumbles to herself, " I don't know a whole lot of people here. Maybe I should just write someone else's name."

She looks up from her paper, noticing Iida collecting the pieces of paper in the classroom. Nearly panicking as he walks up to her row, she frantically scribbles down the first name that comes to her mind. Once Iida got to her desk, she holds out her paper for him to grab, which he does swiftly, moving on to Yaoyorozu behind her, Mineta next.

"Crap" Hoshiko thinks to herself as the results are being tallied, "I don't even know what name I wrote down."

Once the results are tallied, Yaoyorozu begins to write them on the student chalkboard, displaying them.

"Izuku Midoriya: 4 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu: 2 votes"

"How did I get four votes!?" Izuku screams in shock.

Katsuki rises up from his seating position, barking up his distaste.

"Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?"

"What, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?"

"What did you just say?!"

Hoshiko looks over at the chalkboard, glancing at her name, with the giant number 0 next to it. Hoshiko shrugs, not caring about anyone voting for her. She didn't even vote for herself, so she didn't mind people not voting for her.

Once everyone was all calmed down, Mr. Aizawa beckons Izuku and Yaoyorozu to the front of the classroom. Seeing his shaking form, Hoshiko stifles a laugh. Talk about stage fright.

"All right, the class rep is Midoriya, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu" Mr. Aizawa states to the class, donned in his yellow sleeping bag.

Izuku continues to shake in nervousness, causing Yaoyorozu to look over at him slightly worried, "R-Really? Uh. It's not a mistake?"

Yaoyorozu sighs at his behavior, "How'd this happen?"

Everyone starts to warm up to the idea of Izuku and Yaoyorozu being the new class rep and deputy, including Hoshiko. Despite his nervousness appearance, Hoshiko knows Izuku is good when being quick on his feet, remembering the end of his mock training exam. Things seem to be turning around just right for the better.

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