Chapter 29

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"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!"

Class 1A cheers and gapes at the new pro hero in front of them. It was the illustrious Space Hero, Thirteen. Thirteen was known to be a top-notch rescue hero, using their quirk "Black Hole" to help save civilians in danger. With the giant white puffy jacket and shorts, along with their yellow shoes, Thirteen looked more like an astronaut than a pro-hero.

Hoshiko gapes at the pro hero in front of her, glad to see another notable hero teach them. She stands in between Uraraka and Izuku, her hands on her hips.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" Thirteen gushes to the class.

Without any hesitation, Class 1A is ushered inside the dome-like building, everyone gasping as they reach the long walkway that leads to the different areas. Hoshiko stands baffled at the sight in front of her, seeing many different hazardous areas all around her, from a large mountain to a giant lake on the other side, with a ship in the middle of it.

"Holy crap!" Kirishima exclaims, "It looks like some kind of amusement park!"

Thirteen points to all of the different hazardous areas in the dome building, "A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. Et cetera- I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. But, you can call it, USJ!"

Hoshiko notices Aizawa walking over to Thirteen, the two quietly talking to each other. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Hoshiko turns to her left, seeing Uraraka beaming next to her.

"This is gonna be so cool, Hoshiko!" Uraraka giggles.

"Heck yeah it is," Hoshiko gives a grin, "We'll finally be able to learn how to use our Quirks like pro heroes."

Aizawa brings the Class back into attention, gesturing to Thirteen raising their arms.

"Before we begin," Thirteen begins, "let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or five-"

"We get it!"

"Listen carefully," Thirteen continues, not missing a beat after the class interrupts them, "I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust. Even though I use my Quirk in saving people, my Quirk can also be very easily used to kill. Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening."

All the students cheer at Thirteen's speech, Hoshiko including. Thinking about her late father, Hoshiko has dreamed about learning his footsteps and becoming a rescue hero. Uraraka and Izuku cheer beside the light purplette, making her give a small smile. She looks over at Aizawa, seeing his hand rise up.

"Right," Aizawa speaks monotonously, "Now that that's over..."

He sentence dies out, as an electric current is sounded off in the dome, all the lights turning off around them. Everyone looks up, seeing the lights flicker off, Hoshiko raising an eyebrow at it.

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