Chapter 25

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"Orderly fashion, my ass!" Hoshiko yells out, feeling herself being squished by five other classmen. People scream all around her, as students try to get past each other to get to the exit, some even trampling one another. Hoshiko, Izuku, Iida, and Uraraka are in the mix, finding themselves being crushed against other classmen.

"Ow!" Uraraka cries out, "This is a total mob!"

"Everyone was quick to react. As I'd expect from U.A. students" Iida comments as well, finding himself squished.

"Sure. But they're also causing a huge panic" Izuku manages to speak out.

On cue, both Izuku and Hoshiko get shoved in different directions away from Iida and Uraraka, both grunting in pain. Both the two call out for Izuku and Hoshiko, only for it to be fallen off of deaf ears, the sound of other classmates yelling at one another blocking out their cries.

Hoshiko grunts, finding her body people pulled and pushed in many different ways. She tries to push people away from her, only to find it useless, feeling like she is in an ongoing current of water, with no means of stopping.

"Watch it, idiot!" Hoshiko hears a voice say beside her.

Hearing the familiarity, Hoshiko looks over at the source, seeing Katsuki only a few feet away from her, barking at other classmen, fury, and annoyance in his demeanor. Without hesitation, she calls out for him.

"Kacchan! Help!" Hoshiko grunts, reaching out for him.

Hearing her voice, Katsuki looks over to his left, finding her reach out to him. He looks over at her hand, then back at her.

"We need to stick together! The current is trampling everyone!" Hoshiko yells at him, trying to reach closer to him.

It was a pregnant pause, before Katsuki reaches over to her hand, grabbing it with his. He pulls her to him, Hoshiko pushing past other classmen along the way. She finds herself being squished next to the angry blonde, both their bodies pressed uncomfortably against one another.

"Now what, you idiot?" Katsuki grunts at her, feeling an elbow hit the middle of his back.

"I don't know! I got separated from the others and I just managed to find you. At least the two of us won't be pushing at each other" Hoshiko says, trying to ease the situation.

Right after she speaks, she feels the wind being knocked out of her, as a fist accidentally hits the side of her ribcage. Katsuki notices the sudden movement and grabs Hoshiko's arms before she falls to the ground. He yells at the person who hit her, his curses falling deaf on the purpleette's ears.

"You still with me, dumbass?" Katsuki yells at her, holding her tightly against him.

"Mmm...yeah, I'm here" Hoshiko mumbles, managing to catch her breath, not noticing Katsuki holding onto both sides of her arms tightly, keeping her close in front of him. Both teenagers grunt in discomfort, finding other classmen all around them push against them in each direction. Desperately trying, Hoshiko tries to push people back with her hands, using her natural strength, but it doesn't do much, as every spot in the hallway was crammed with students, making it unable to get some breathing room.

"Why don't you try teleporting us outta here?" Katsuki yells at her, keeping her close, not wanting to have the same mishap with her again.

"It doesn't work like that" Hoshiko tells him, before grunting, "I need to be in an open area to teleport. And I can barely move in here to begin with, so it's nearly impossible to get us out of here."

Katsuki stays silent on the matter, focusing his attention on Hoshiko in front of him, her body pressed uncomfortably against his. She can feel his gaze stare down at the top of her head, unaware of her cheeks turning shades. Everyone around her was deaf to her ears, her own attention on her pumping heart echoing in her mind.

Suddenly, people start to point at the ceiling, catching Katsuki and Hoshiko's attention. They both look up, seeing Iida float in the air, before using his quirk to make his way to the front of the exit. Except, with floating in the air and with his unbalanced body, using his quirk makes Iida do consecutive flips in the air. Katsuki sees this, and gives a small smirk, hiding his laughter.

Hoshiko feels his chest rising and falling against her back, knowing he was finding amusement in this. She gives a light elbow shove to his stomach, trying to get him to stop. Everyone watches as Iida crashes into the wall above the exit, grabbing onto one of the metal poles beside of him, stabilizing himself.

"Listen up, everything is okay!" Iida exclaims to everyone, "It's just the media outside. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything's fine!"

Everyone stops in their place, making Hoshiko sigh in relief. Katsuki stops moving behind her but makes no intentions to push her out of the way, both their bodies still uncomfortably close. With everything so sudden, Hoshiko notices the contact on her triceps. Feeling the heat against her shirt, Hoshiko hides her acknowledgment.

"Why is he holding my arms?" Hoshiko thinks to herself, "Was he afraid that I would drift off again into the crowd?"

She looks up back at Iida, noticing his glasses are missing, giving the dark-blue haired boy a new appearance.

"We're U.A. students," Iida states loudly, "We need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best!"

By that, everyone starts to calm down, hearing the faint police sirens in the distance. By now, people start to calmly walk out of the exit, no longer in a needed rush. Hoshiko feels Katsuki letting go of her triceps, making her glance over at him. She sees his usual expression- annoyed and unbothered. Despite his expression, his actions were quite opposite of what he usually provides facial expression.

"Maybe he was just looking after me because of our past" Hoshiko continues to think to herself, glancing at the ground in front of her, "It's at least something."

Realizing the time, Hoshiko looks back at Katsuki, who looks down at her.

"We should probably get back to class. With all this commotion, lunch is probably over" Hoshiko concludes, giving a small smile to the spiky blonde.

He gives a tsk, before shrugging his shoulders. Once the area was easier enough to move, Katsuki walks ahead, bumping his shoulder with Hoshiko's leaving her behind him. Groaning, Hoshiko quickly follows after him, not wanting to be behind him once more.

"You know you can be a nicer person when you don't ditch your friend" Hoshiko scolds Katsuki, reaching over to his right side, both of them taking the route back to class, seeing other Class 1-A students to the same.

Without even looking at Katsuki, Hoshiko knows he is rolling his eyes at her statement, but doesn't say a word.

Young Love (Katsuki Bakugo Love Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara