Chapter 19

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Hoshiko sighs, slouching in her seat. It has already been half the second day of U.A. High, and Hoshiko was getting impatient. Everyone in Class 1A waits for the new teacher of Hero Studies. No one knows who the new teacher is, many people in the class discussing around Hoshiko on who could it be. Hoshiko slouches even more, before feeling a tap at the back of her right shoulder.

Hoshiko hums, turning her upper body to the source of contact.

"Yaoyorozu? What's up?" Hoshiko asks the black haired girl behind her.

"I was wondering if you have any ideas on who the new teacher might be. Many people think it could be a top league pro hero, but wouldn't the pro heros be out saving the world?" Yaoyorozu questions, "I would suspect you would know considering your family affiliations."

Hoshiko tilts her head, thinking of a response, "I mean it would be odd if a top league pro hero was our teacher, I mean, I know the troubles my dad went through being the 2nd pro hero. Hopefully, this new teacher will be a good teacher, though."

Hoshiko turns back from her seat, still pondering. In front of her was Izuku's seat, and in front of him was Katsuki's. Just as her mind was about to continue on pondering, loud boom echoes in the classroom.

"I am here!" a familiar voice echoes.

Hoshiko and the rest of class 1A perk up, as the class door slides open, revealing the number 1 pro hero All Might, the Symbol of Peace.

"Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might announces, stepping into the classroom.

Everyone grows excited at his appearance, Hoshiko including. She was excited. How in the hell could All Might, the symbol of peace, be their hero studies teacher, of all heroes? She hears Kaminari and Kirishima gush about their new teacher, said teacher making his way to the front of the classroom.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A. High. Think of it as "Hero-ing 101"" All Might explains, "Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!"

Automatically, at All Might's words, Katsuki starts to beam from his seat, Hoshiko noticing Izuku in front of her flinching from Katsuki's smile, "Fight training."

"Real Combat?" Izuku mumbles.

All Might walks to the left side of the classroom, "But one of the keys of being a hero is..looking good!"

Like clockwork, parts of the wall pull out, revealing suitcases with a different number on each suitcase. Hoshiko realizes what it was, and gives a toothy grin.

"These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started" All Might explains, confirming everyone's suspicions.

Hoshiko nearly bounces in her seat, "Heck yeah! We get costumes!"

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"


AN: Sorry for the super short chapter. I've been having a little hard time trying to transitions scenes in the anime onto a document in my computer. Please bear with me I promise the next chapter will be longer. Hope you guys understand <3

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