Chapter 4

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It had been over 7 months since Hoshiko had developed her quirk. The Amari family was settling in well in the new city, getting along with their neighbors well, and Hoshiko making friends. She was fitting well in the community, as well as crime dwindling down to almost nothing in the past 5 months. Families were no longer afraid to go outside and enjoy the air. It seemed like everything was...peaceful.

Until it was not.


Katsuki was enjoying life. He enjoyed kindergarten, seeing his group and to play with Izuku, Deku was his nickname, and Shiko, Hoshiko's nickname. Not to mention, over 4 months ago, his quirk was developed, creating small explosions in his hands. It was powerful, to say the least, whenever his group played hero vs villain. He was always playing the hero, his two other group members as the villains, with one of them having wings, the other extendable arms. He would never let Deku play since Deku didn't have a quirk- he was born quirkless. He was hesitant on letting Shiko play, since he wanted to have her watch him be the hero, but he let her play the hero as well- his trusty sidekick.

So, when Katsuki walks into his living room home, ready for his mom to take him to kindergarten, he stops, seeing his mother nearly crying in horror. He couldn't find his dad, knowing that his dad had gone to work earlier in the morning. Raising an eyebrow, Katsuki walks to his sobbing mother, his short legs making him take half a dozen steps towards her. He tugs on her bright pink skirt, catching her attention.

"Mom?" Katsuki asks, "Why are you crying?"

His mother sniffs back a cry, before reaching down, picking Katsuki up in her arms, holding him tight, before she starts to cry again, rubbing his back. Katsuki didn't understand what was wrong, but then the TV screen in front of him catches his ruby-red eyes.

"Number 2 Pro Hero Vanish Murdered" the TV screen reads out.

Katsuki's eyes widen, tears already pooling in the corner of his eyes. He didn't force himself to look away from the TV, watching as the news broadcasts over the city.

"It was confirmed earlier this morning that the number 2 pro hero, Vanish, has passed away. Officers have found him in his 2 story home with his wife and children. It has been revealed that the Pro Hero, Vanish, who is revealed to be Kenji Amari, was found stabbed in the chest over 4 times. Another report reveals that Kenji's eldest daughter, Amaya Amari, has seemed to disappear. The only survivors of this murderous scene are Miya Amari and youngest daughter Hoshiko Amari. We will have more information for you soon" the news broadcaster states before the TV screens end with a commercial.

Katsuki didn't realize he was crying, until he feels his mother's smooth thumbs brush against underneath his eyes, wiping away his tears. No one knew, not his mother, not his father, not even Katsuki himself, Hoshiko's best friend, never knew about her father being the pro hero Vanish.

"Mom?" Katsuki asks, "Is Shiko gonna be ok?"

His mother stifles a small cry, having been friends with Hoshiko's mother, Miya, "I don't know, baby. I don't know."

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