Chapter 30

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Hoshiko groans, coming to her senses. She opens her eyes slightly, wincing at the sudden light around her. Sudden wind flows through Hoshiko, causing her to snap out of it. She expects herself to be back at the front of USJ, with the rest of her class, facing off the fog villain. Only, that wasn't the case. She is falling in mid air towards a building.

Hoshiko strangles out a curse, analyzing the situation, gravity sending her closer to the ground. She looked down, seeing a plethora of thugs at ground level, unaware of her sudden appearance. Exhaling, she searches frantically for a place to fall safely to. She groans, finding an open window to a nearby building. Holding her breath, she uses her Quirk to teleport to an angle that will send her through the window safely.

"Crap!" Hoshiko yells out, miscalculating her approach, crashing through a window right next to the open window. She blocks her face from glass shards, landing harshly on the tiled floor of the building, skipping to a stop. Lying on her back, with pieces of glass around her, Hoshiko sighs, trying to calm herself. She raises both her knees, noticing the glass around her exposed legs.

She closes her eyes, thinking about what has just happened.

"So the fog guy has the ability to send people to different areas," Hoshiko thinks to herself, "From all the buildings, I think I'm in the collapsed zone. I don't know who got teleported with me here, so I'm all alone so far.... And there are over 3 dozen thugs in this area waiting for someone like me to walk through so they can beat up and possibly kill....."

She shifts on the ground, listening for any sounds around her, remembering the thugs from earlier. She notices distant footsteps from another room, and she starts to tense up. She curses, urging herself to get up, only to feel her legs go numb from the sudden tenseness. She wraps her hands around her middle, coming up with quick ideas in her mind out to get out of the situation. If it was a thug, she could possibly juke them thinking she was injured and run away. If there was more than one, then it would be tricky, as she will have to be mindful of the second thug noticing her movements.

"Anyone here?" a voice hollers out in the building.

Noticing the tone of the voice, Hoshiko gasps, sitting up.

The sound of the footsteps get closer, Hoshiko looking over at the open door frame to see the culprit. Kirishima peeks in the room, spotting Hoshiko. He reacts fast, jogging over to the purplette.

"Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" the redhead asks, quickly scanning Hoshiko over, checking for any wounds.

"Besides my dignity, I'm fine," Hoshiko mumbles, before looking over at the doorway, hearing another prescience.

She tenses up, seeing Katsuki standing still at the frame, looking at the two. Kirishima follows her train of sight and sees Katsuki at the door.

"At least we all managed to find each other" Kirishima mentions.

"You idiots don't know the idea of staying quiet, do you?" Katsuki glares, walking into the room, "With shitty hair's holler, all the pests from the ground floor are now coming up here."

Kirishima rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed by his actions. Katsuki huffs, walking to stand over Hoshiko. She looks up at him from her spot, seeing instead of his usual glare, was a softer look; a smirk.

"Get up, unless you want to be their kicking dummy" Katsuki orders.

Hoshiko rolls her eyes at the blonde's analogy, holding out her hand to him. He stares at her hand with a second of disgust, before looking over at her. She nods her head, confirming his inner thoughts. He growls, using his gauntlet free hand to grab hold of her hand, using his back foot as leverage to pull Hoshiko up from the ground. Hoshiko nearly feels herself bounce as she stands, blinking a couple of times to stop the sudden dizziness of getting up from the ground so quick.

She looks over at Kirishima, seeing his sight trained on Katsuki and Hoshiko's joined hands. Hoshiko glances down, noticing her hand, and hastily letting go of Katsuki's hand. She turns her head away from the two, fighting the blush off her face from the slight embarrassment. She clears her throat, turning over to look at the boys.

"So, would the best bet be just to get out of here?' Hoshiko asks.

"Yeah, seems like it," Kirishima agrees, "Better to get the upper hand on the thugs than have it be the other way around."

Katsuki walks in front of the two, towards the doorway, "Then we better get moving, I don't care if I leave you two behind."

Hoshiko and Kirishima look at each other, both giving a small smile, before jogging to catch up with the blonde.

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