Chapter 6

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*11 years later*

The sound of an engine was purring Hoshiko to sleep. Resting her head against the window of the car felt cool against her skin during the hot spring season. If only she had another way to cool down since the air conditioning in the car was busted in a short-circuiting. It was not just the sound of the car engine lulling her to sleep- it was also the radio broadcasting the daily news that made her tired. How can newscasters talk all day....Hoshiko can barely talk for an hour compared to what these casters are doing.

"You're making that face again" Hoshiko's mother states, catching her attention.

Hoshiko frowns, sitting up in her seat, adjusting her slanted shirt, rubbing her eyes, "What face?"

"The face you would make when you were a kid," Ms. Amari says, glancing over at her daughter, "It was what your dad put it as your "pouty" face."

Hoshiko pouts in fake annoyance, "I'm not pouty."

Ms. Amari laughs, gripping the steering wheel in her slightly aged hands. Hoshiko looks up at her mother, smiling at her. Her mother hasn't aged quite in a bit over the past 11 years. Her pale skin was still pale, if not paler, probably due to her quirk. Her once vibrant blue hair has now turned into a darker color, but still, pieces of her hair were still bright and vibrant, almost making it seem like she got highlights in her hair. What hasn't changed was her mother's eyes. For a few good years after the events at their old home, Hoshiko's mother never had her bright yellow eyes; it was turned into a murky yellow. Now, it seems like her eyes are brightening up every second pass as they drive. But now, the atmosphere has seemed to grow into a more happier and humbled tone.

"So," Ms. Amari says, "What's on your mind, buttercup?"

Hoshiko cringes, "Please don't use that nickname....I grew out of it."

"Where's the fun in that...buttercup?" Ms. Amari teases, sticking her tongue at her daughter playfully.

Hoshiko smiles, but then frowns, which catches her mom's attention. Without looking away from the road, Ms. Amari rests her hand on Hoshiko's hand, holding it in hers, "You can tell me anything, darling. I know, I'm having a hard time over here too."

Hoshiko sighs, holding her mother's hand tight, "I'm worried about society here..would they remember us? Not as the Amari family, but as the late Vanish's family? Not to mention, what would my old friends think of me, now that it's been over a decade. And...then there are the entrance exams...I know I developed my quirk well, but it can never exceed dads-"

Ms. Amari interrupts Hoshiko, moving her hand to Hoshiko's pale purple hair, hereditary from her father's. She lightly rubs Hoshiko's hair, a way to calm her down.

"I still can't believe you have your father's looks, yet my personality," Ms. Amari says, before sighing, "at least you don't turn invisible when your emotions flare up."

Nonetheless, Ms. Amari gives a warm smile to her daughter, "No one ever told you to exceed your father's legacy, Hoshiko. I'm just glad that you inherited his quirk, and you've gotten so good with it. Not to mention, you also got your father's strength, which might as well be its own quirk. Don't worry about what's about to come, sweetie. The exams are in a couple of days, I'm sure you're gonna do fine. You're gonna give every single competitor a run for their money."

Hoshiko smiles lightly, nodding her head to her mother. All she had to do was try her best, and to make sure to ace the exams. Suddenly, Hoshiko's thoughts were pulled away as the car jolts back and forth. Hoshiko's eyes widen, causing her mother to laugh.

"I forgot to tell you, silly," Ms. Amari says, "We're here at our new home."

Hoshiko yawns, looking out the window to see their new home. She looks, her eyes widening in shock.

"Mom!" Hoshiko yells, "I thought we said cheap!"

Ms. Amari shrugs her shoulders, rubbing her neck, parking the car, "I mean, since we're gonna be staying here for now on....I thought we would at least splurge on living expenses."

"Yeah....but I thought we agreed on not buying a two-story house when it's just the two of us" Hoshiko mumbles, staring at the two-story house in wonder and bewilderment. It was a simple two-story house, with a driveway and a garden area, full of different types of wildflowers. Hoshiko shakes her head, but nonetheless, was glad for what her mother had bought for the both of them. Well, if she does get accepted into U.A. High, they might as well have a comfy place in staying.

Hoshiko and her mother step out of the humid car, walking towards the front door of the house. Hoshiko sighs, feeling her mother rest her hand on Hoshiko's shoulder.

"Welcome home, Hoshiko."

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