Chapter 14

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Hoshiko sighs in her spot, glancing over at Uraraka beside her, throwing her hands in the air, freaking out in front of Mr. Aizawa, "You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!"

"Oh, and you think natural disasters are?" Mr. Aizawa saying back at Uraraka, his bluntness making everyone gasp, "Or power-hungry villains? Hm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No; the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to try to combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So, go beyond, Plus Ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here."

Everyone grows silent, making Hoshiko's nerves grow. She was never a fan for these types of things, to test your limits even when you were taught to never go beyond the limit. She was ready to try her best in this test, she was ready to show what her capabilities are.

"Now then," Mr. Aizawa clears his throat, "We're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin."


Test 1: 50-meter dash

The whistle blows, signaling for Hoshiko to step up to the line, along with her opponent. It wasn't exactly her only opponent, since the rest of the UA class is her opponent since everyone has to fight to stay in class. She glances over at her counterpart, noticing it was the girl from earlier who greeted her; Yaoyorozu. She feels the gaze of her other classmates stare at her back, as she gets into position. With the ability to use her quirk, it should be easy for her to get to the end in a second. The only downfall was she did not know what her opponent's quirk was, let alone the rest of the class. She has to take this carefully, and not slip up.

Just as Hoshiko evens out the breath, the animatronic lets out a fake gunshot, signaling the beginning of the race. With urgentness, Hoshiko teleports herself to the other side of the race track, right as her counterpart was about to take her first step into running. The robot clicks Hoshiko's time, already reading out her duration.

"0.02 seconds!"

The class around her gasps at the time, seeing Hoshiko slightly pant from using her quirk. Hoshiko swipes a strand of her purple hair off her face, just as Yaoyorozu crosses the finish line.

"6.03 seconds!"

Yaoyorozu beside Hoshiko takes deep breaths, recovering. Hoshiko walks over to Yaoyorozu, giving a small smile.

"Good job on the race, you did really great" Hoshiko compliments.

"Compared to you," Yaoyorozu pants, "I didn't make it far."

"There's still 7 more tests," Hoshiko tells, "I'm only good with speed, per se."

Yaoyorozu nods at Hoshiko, walking off, giving the next contenders the free space. Hoshiko stretches her arms, looking around the area. She catches many of the boys in one area, minus a few lone wolfs. One of the lone wolfs being Katsuki, who she saw at least 20 feet away from her, doing stretches. She feels the urge to walk up to him, to talk to him before his run, but as she was about to take a step forward, she feels a weight on her shoulder.

"No way, Amari! You didn't tell me you could do that?" Uraraka gushes.

Hoshiko blushes slightly, turning over to face Uraraka, "It's not much, just teleportation."

Uraraka pouts, shaking Hoshiko's shoulders, mumbling underneath her breath. Hoshiko willingly lets her shoulders get shaken until she hears a male voice behind her.

"I have to say, your quirk is very impressive."

Uraraka lets go of Hoshiko's shoulders, letting the purplenette turn around to see the person talking to her, "Oh, Iida."

Iida stands in front of the two girls, his hands on their hips. He looks down at the two significantly smaller girls compared to him, his glasses brightening in the sunlight.

"So, is it true?" Iida asks Hoshiko, taking a step closer to her.

"Uh, what is true?" Hoshiko responds, raising her hands up.

"That your father is the pro hero Vanish?"

Hoshiko stops in her tracks, staring up at Iida. Unknownst to her, was half of the class staring at the 3, including Mr. Aizawa. Hoshiko bites her lip.

"Who suggested that?" Hoshiko asks Iida.

"It was fairly simple to put two and two together. You have his quirk of teleportation, and you both have purple colored hair. Also, Midoriya mentioned how it is very nostalgic seeing you again after your father's passing" Iida explains.

Hoshiko stays quiet, processing his words. It wasn't like she wasn't planning on telling her class who her father was. She just never thought it would be leaked out so early, on the first day. Nonetheless, Hoshiko gives a nod towards Iida, confirming his question. Right as she nods her head, over 5 students run over to her, each asking numerous questions.

"What was Vanish like? Was he the same as he was on TV?"

"Your dad was so cool!"

"He saved my mom from a building fire!"

"He once punched a guy so hard that all of Tokyo could hear it!"

Hearing the numerous questions being fired at her, Hoshiko starts to mildly panic. She feels her pulse beat faster against her neck, the hair behind her neck go up, her palms-

"Oi. She doesn't need to answer to any of you extras. Scram."

Hoshiko tenses up, feeling like her heart would teleport out of her chest. She watches Katsuki walk into her view, his glare sharp enough to cut through wood. He stares back at the people in front of Hoshiko, which consisted of an invisible girl, a blond head boy with an abnormally large tail, a guy with red hair and sharp pointy teeth, and the boy she saw earlier with a lightning bolt on his blonde hair.

Being afraid of Katsuki, the 6, including Iida and Uraraka, walk away, leaving Hoshiko and Katsuki alone. Hoshiko turns to face him, her gaze staring at both their pair of feet. Gaining the courage, she stares up at him, finding him staring back at her, his sharp gaze still in place.

"You still plan on blowing me up?" Hoshiko asks him.

Katsuki tilts his head slightly to the right, giving a loud tsk, "You're just a waste of my time."

"If I'm just a waste of your time, how come you told those guys to back off?" Hoshiko shoots back.

"I couldn't stand seeing your pathetic panicking all the way from here."

For the others looking, it was almost comedic, seeing Katsuki and Hoshiko glare at each other like little cartoon characters. But, for Izuku, who watched from afar, gave a knowing look. It has been 11 years since Hoshiko left, and still, even after 11 years, Hoshiko was always the same. Katsuki would always challenge her about their quirks the second he has inherited his. They would continuously compete, developing that rivalry as only kindergarteners. Now, 11 years later, Izuku could imagine 5 year old Hoshiko and Katsuki in their spots, bickering like little children. Except, this time, Katsuki could nearly blow of Hoshiko's face, while she can easily break his face with just a punch.

Izuku never knew how much he missed the old times.


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