Chapter 10

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Over 30 students stand in front of Test Location A- all talking with one another, waiting for the large metal doors to open to start the testing. Hoshiko stands in the midst of the crowd of students, looking at the large metal doors in front of her. U.A. had given students over an hour to prepare for the testing, letting students change into clothes they deem necessary in order to pass. Hoshiko herself has changed from her old school uniform to a pair of workout pants and an off-shoulder top, clothes that she was most comfortable in. Her hair was still in the braid her mother has done for her, in pristine condition. Hoshiko sighs, looking down at her outfit, hoping that the loose top she was wearing wouldn't damper on her fighting.

Up ahead, by the front doors of the Test Location entrance, she hears distant yelling.

"Wow," Hoshiko thinks, "People are already pissed even before the exams start."

Regardless of Hoshiko's cool and collected nature, Hoshiko was amazed and nervous at the same time. She was always amazed at U.A., knowing it was the school her father, the late pro hero Vanish, attended. She's nervous due to the fact that only the top 60 students out of a range of over 200-300 students would be able to get accepted into U.A. It would mean she will have to go up and beyond with her quirk, attacking as many robots as she sees. The only rough part was her quirk's extent.

Unlike her, her father's quirk gave him no boundaries. He was basically the fastest man alive with his quirk being able to teleport. The only downfall for Hoshiko inheriting her father's quirk, as if she uses it too much she grows fatigued. She doesn't know her maximum number of uses with her quirk before she grows tired, as it depends on how far she needs to teleport to.

"Okay, start!" Sudden loud voice booms in the atmosphere, "There are no countdowns in real fights!"

The metal doors instantly open, and everyone rushes inside, starting the test. Hoshiko runs, evening her breathing out, scanning the area.

"It's best if I take the rooftops. That way I'll be able to get a clear view of all the robots from afar" Hoshiko thinks to herself, before forcing herself to go faster.

She notices a smaller building compared to all the others, and, with a smirk, she runs to the building, activating her quirk. With ease, she lands on top of the rooftops, getting a clear view of the area around her. With her quirk, she has to envision herself in front of her or wherever she goes. The only downfall of her quirk is she has to be able to fully see the place she wants to go. It would be simply impossible for her to imagine herself in Tokyo without actually seeing the destination in front of her.

Hoshiko perches herself on top of the rooftop, noticing countless people like her running to random places, hoping that a robot will see them and attack. In the distance, she sees a couple of explosions, followed by the booming sound of metal clanking against one another. It had only been a couple of seconds from the exams starting, and already people are finding robots and destroying them.

When all hope felt lost for Hoshiko, she sees three robots chasing after a group of students. Obviously, these robots were twice the size as a regular one point robot, and the students they're chasing after, realize that too. Smirking, Hoshiko vanishes, and, less than a second later, appears in mid-air, facing one out of the three robots. She glances at the robot's neck, seeing the yellow "3" painted on, and she smirks to herself. With her momentum and gravity, she falls towards the face of the robot, and, with her regular smirk, she swings her fist at the robot, connecting cleanly dead center. The robot breaks instantly, short-circuiting, before collapsing. Without any hesitation, Hoshiko teleports to the next robot, an exact copy of a level 3 robot, and punches the robot in the neck, where she sees some of the robot's wires sticking out. To save her strength, she lands on the ground but runs to the last level 3 robot. The robot sees her and tries crushing her with its shield-like arms, but Hoshiko doges, using her legs, giving a loud battle cry, kicks the robots two legs with full force, breaking them from the impact.

Hoshiko pants, seeing all 3 robots collapse in front of her, broken beyond repair. She had gained 9 points. Without even giving a glance at the people she somewhat saved, she runs off, looking for her next target.


"That's 21!" Hoshiko pants, teleporting to a nearby rooftop. She kneels on the ground, catching her breath. She had already defeated 3 level 3 bots, 5 level 2 bots, and 2 level one bots all in about 3 minutes. The test in itself would only last for about 5-6 minutes, as what Present Mic has been announcing.

"Crap..." Hoshiko sighs, "I already heard someone had over 40 in the hell am I going to get to that level? Somehow, Hoshiko was already gasping for breath, trying to keep her breathing steady. She can vaguely hear everyone in the area fight all the other robots, some even cheering once they knock said robot down. But, as she is about to get up from the ground, a loud boom sound occurs, followed by the rooftop shaking underneath her. Smoke appears about 40 meters away from Hoshiko, but, what appears out of the smoke scared Hoshiko. It was a robot, the biggest robot she has ever seen, standing over 100 feet tall, looking down at everyone underneath it, ready to attack. It was a rank 0 bot, as Hoshiko sees dozens of people run away from the bot, a look of fear in their eyes. But, Hoshiko catches one person staying by the robot- actually flying to it.

"This guy is insane..." Hoshiko mumbles to herself.

Yet, she wouldn't leave from her spot, her curiosity getting the best of her, as she watches the person in the distance fly up to the monster. She squints her eyes, trying to see a bit clearer of the person, but as things get clearer, her eyes widen. The zero point robot wasn't afraid of the person, using its big arms and swats the person away with just a finger. Hoshiko gasps, seeing the silhouette of the figure fly in the air, before gravity sets in, her watching the figure fall.

Hoshiko feels her legs acting on her own, her quirk acting on her own, as she teleports from rooftop to rooftop, running towards the falling figure. The figure was falling fast, only making Hoshiko run and teleport faster. She reaches the last building, seeing the figure only a couple meters away. With a heavy breath, she teleports as far as she can to reach the figure, finding herself in mid-air, right next to the person. She reaches over with her hands, grabbing ahold of the person's shirt, seeing the two of them falling to the ground fast. Hoshiko looks up, looking for a nearby rooftop to teleport on, and she does, using all her willpower to teleport her and the person to the rooftop.

Hoshiko lets out a groan, landing harshly on the rooftop, gasping for air. She did it, she saved the person from the robot. She lets out a shaky breath, finding herself smiling slightly at her accomplish. It wasn't easy for her to teleport with people. She knows how to do it well, just the toll it gives her is slightly questionable. Most of the time, she feels fine, as if she can teleport another 10 more people. But, this time, she was drained. It wasn't until she tries to get off the ground that she feels her hands press on something soft. Hoshiko hums, raising her head from the soft place she landed on, and her eyes widen.

She landed on the person she saved, but that wasn't what she was shocked about. She scans more at the person in front of her, seeing familiar features.

"Spiky blonde hair..."

"Fair skin...."

"Strong Build..."

It wasn't until she sees the ruby red irises stare at her jade green that she fully realizes what just happened.


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